And is she in NY? Because publishing hours in summer, you're lucky to get anyone around on a Monday or a Friday.
Really? Then I'll try to stop freaking out. I just worry that my mail server did something odd. (Which is not a completely unreasonable worry; my hosting company has been having some problems lately.)
Yep. Publishing hours in NY are infamous.
If she doesn't ping you by tomorrow, a "my server's been wonky, let me know if I have to resend" email should be perfectly fine.
... what I needed to do to solve all my problems was to imbibe enough alcohol to strip the paint on a barn and my tortured, unrequited love would be transformed to beautiful, moving verse ...
That Victor guy shakes a mean pen.
That Victor guy shakes a mean pen.
Gracias, senor!
Did She ever find out?
(What? it's on topic. Tangentially.)
New drabble topic!
Challenge #117 (on holiday) is now closed.
Challenge #118 is: things better left unsaid. (Though don't take that topic too literally, though, or else there'll be nothing but a bunch of blank drabbles....)
A Hundred Silent Words:
"Do these pants make me look fat?"
"Was she prettier than me?"
A Hundred More:
"No, honey, REALLY. Size doesn't matter."
"Sweetie, don't feel bad -- it happens to everyone...."
Yet Another Hundred:
It was like molesting a corpse.
O, crap!
Did I say that out loud?
Have an on-line book proposal up.