Fall, Robin.
Which means October, I think. The big names get November, which is pre-Christmas. September is for the post-Summer names, so I am middlin' good.
At the present moment, I'm hoping for spine-out placement at Waldens and Borders, 'cuz cover-out ...
Inducing vomitus on the floor of the store has got to be a negative for sales.
not for bulimics.
Ok, that was gross.
Yes! There is the marketing hook. Tape the cover next to your mirror or on your 'fridge. You will lose thirty pounds!
Deb, so glad to hear you've already got another agent! Whoot!
Gus, your idea of scheduling is odd. Fall releases tend to be hard to tour for, and very few bookstores schedule readings or signings between Thanksgiving and Xmas, because the stores are already crowded with people, and they don't need the additional draw. October is good. Spring/summer is better.
Whoot! I got spring! And another 3000 words to write. Will need a beta or two in about 15 minutes.
(Waving madly at Allyson)
Me! I wanna beta! MEEEEEEEEE!
Also, Amy, still hunting for titles?
Death of the Day
Dishing Up Murder
Do not rain on my parade. No one has asked me to tour, partly because I do not have the Stephen Hawking cache needed to put people through the whole vocoder thing.
October rocks because I really, really want it to rock.
Reality can just step off.
Gus, sweetie, no one asked me to tour either, not for the first two in this series.
I did it myself. I made the calls. I put together a list of stores I thought would be good, where I knew I had people, friends, family, who would come out. After a couple of those, the stores start pinging you.
That's how it works. And October is good - when I say fall, I actually mean winter. You said you thought November is the good month and it really isn't the best, unless the book hits at once. If it does, you're in clover.
I have October. I like October. I write ghost stories and I get to premiere the damned things during Halloween.