I suppose that if Deb is going to insist on continuing to have all these birthdays, she deserves some support from her Buffistas.
It is all futile, though. She will outlive us all, and when we are all grimy dust, her words will continue on to mock our lack of accomplishment.
So ... Sure, Deb, have a Happy Birthday. Do not worry about us.
I wish a wonderful, productive, happy and all round splendid year for you and Nic, Deb.
snerking like a mad thing at Gus
Don't mind me, I'll just be slouching toward Bethlehem allllll by myseeeeeeelf.....
Seriously. Thanks, all. And the agent situation is already looking all the way up, thanks to couple of damned good friends out there.
Cool. You'll share news on the Nic front when it happens as well?
You'll share news on the Nic front when it happens as well?
You betcha. That's looking good; Jennifer from the hopefully new gig rang up this morning and yes, it's looking very strong for early next week. And if they make him an offer, there won't be any excuse about trying to jerk his chain on the money; his requirement has already been asked and discussed and it's well within their budget.
ION, I'm looking at my ARCs for Cruel Sister. There are a metric truckload of buffistae and related people thanked on the acknowledgements page for this one: Bev, juliana, anne w, ro-astarte, Deena, Amy Parker, Dani, and connie. Also Roz Kaveney and Kristin T's wonderful researcher buddy Jon Black.
Happy birthday, Deb, and to your husband as well!
Also with the Happy and the Birthday and the Hey-hey-hey! May divine vengeance strike those whom it is appropriate to strike, and may infernal blessings grace those whom it is appropriate to grace.
Reposted from my LJ, for no other reason than to seek hairpats. I'm 6300 words out, am staring at a blank page, and I'm looking at another all-nighter.
Will the Vampire People Please Leave the Lobby?
Why I became interested in online communities, and the weird freak flag we all hold as "people who met on the 'net."
Minearest and Dearest
A loveletter to a friend, and a little bit about the self-imposed boundary between fan and the object of fan's admiration.
Munchausen's by Internet
The strange case of Penlind and her imaginary suffering children.
Deus ex Machina
Mods as Gods, and why a website is like a pirate ship. Aye, mateys.
The Misery Effect
Some fans get a little TOO involved in the story.
Party Politics
Fandom factions, cliques, all out war...and eventually, peace. With an auction!
The Internet Wants Your Daughters
MySpace, online predators, and how we handled it in The Bronze
The Bronze Is Dead. Long Live the Bronze!
What happens to a community when its benefactor throws it out on the street? It's sort of like RENT, but far more ridiculous.
Save Firefly
The failed campaign to save a dying television show.
Anonymous strangers on the internet tell me I suck, and I always believe them.
Safe Harbor from Ann Arbor
I invited a stranger I met on the web to come live with me, and nothing bad happened.
Celebrity Pussy
Finding a home for Joss Whedon's cat...without telling Joss Whedon.
Everyday Apocalypses
The academic papers about Buffy the Vampire Slayer leave me puzzled.
Gay Wedding Tree
Two women who met on the 'net get married. Mostly all the wedding guests met on the 'net, too.
High Stakes 2004 Fundraiser for Kerry/Edwards
Celebrity fundraisers for political campaigns disturb me.
Together, Alone
We introverts go on vacation on a small island and hide from each other behind laptops. It was THE BEST VACATION, EVAR.
Random Acts of Paypal
The generosity of strangers leads to our online friend from Israel getting a tour of America.
Possible additional story:
The Fandom Is Coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!
I discover a member of the Firefly fandom lives in my apartment building. Should I move? What is WRONG with me?
You've done 6,300 words and have 2,700 words to go? Or you've done 2,700 words and have 6,300 words to go? Hairpats either way, cause I know you can do it.