Hell, the deadline for Truth, in the Middle is 1 November. No problem...
Which I just read. Will send feedback momentarily.
Spent Friday night and all day Saturday with my writing group -- C.'s husband took her kids to Albany to a family thing, so we all slept over and drank wine and ate, and then Saturday we worked. There were quite a few breaks for chatting and eating (and laughing), but I got a lot of work done. It's amazing how motivational it can be to sit in a room together, everyone with their laptop and headphones, and just write, no distractions, no kids, no ringing phone.
Bookmarked, Nilly, and thank you! Anthology or no, I've been wanting to go back and write drabbles for the topics as a focus exercise for myself.
Nilly!! The best organized Buffista!
Deb, yes, Tad Williams To Green Angel Tower was the 7 year book. It was the third in a trilogy. It also was so big that the mss was thicker than the OED. (I have seen photgraphic proof) and when they printed it in paperback it had to be split into two books because the binding wouldn't hold.
Nilly! You are so amazing! THANK YOU!!!
I skipped so many drabbles when I was teaching. Pfui. Ah, well -- it's not one of those things I'll be regreting on my deathbed. I will have to look back and think about the ones that really stick in my memory. After I hit my goal for today.
Write, Sprokets, write!
There is a found poetry in our time together; stolen time from real life uniting us like the infringed metaphors introduced us. Images reflected in the blue-glow reflection of a city I’ve never seen,but whose cobblestones jar me in the tailbone anyway were our first stanza.Not that this is a great epic, mostly onomatopoeia. Words are like our drug of choice, and we’ve been getting each other fired up for some time now. We are so close we fear at first we have nothing to talk about. I think I might have created you with my imagination and susceptible heart that can sometimes fall in love in a minute and a half. Usually my fantasies break my heart. You know how we poets are. .
Ha. I have gone over goal today, and will write more later!
And yo, it is at once incredibly difficult and incredibly easy to write sexy scenes. But if I do not eat RIGHTNOW I am going to pass the fuck out.
Nilly, you are made of awesome.
erika, nice one.
Ok, is anyone around? I need feedback on the effectiveness of an erotic scene; no background really necessary, I just need to know if it works.
I'm around, Erin - aestival dot moon at gmail dot com