'suela, I honestly don't know. They asked my agent, not me, but I'll find out. There was also a mention of another show - I think it was Grey's Anatomy. Does that sound right? I've been away from TV awhile.
On topic, happy birthday to my very favourite babies: the Kinkaid Chronicles turned one year old on 18 May, while I was prepping for the F2F.
the Kinkaid Chronicles turned one year old on 18 May, while I was prepping for the F2F.
That's amazing. You've written so much--all of it quality stuff--in just one year? Wow.
Amen to that, Anne. Deb, you are a writing machine!
-t, Sail, insent. And thank!
That's amazing. You've written so much--all of it quality stuff--in just one year? Wow.
If another author took five years to write what Deb's written in one, we'd call her prolific.
What Cindy said. It seems like it must have taken you much longer, Deb, but we all know it didn't. All I gotta say is, thanks for keeping us so entertained with them over the past year! Whoot! Sincerely hoping your agent can find a publisher for them as I want to actually own them.
Woo. I woke up crazily early -- for me -- and emailed Sail and -t, and edited and wrote 2 more pages.
Compared to Deb, I am a piker, but I feel all accomplished. Go team me.
Erin, totally go team you. And this isn't my normal output level either - that's the whole point. I'm looking at nearly 400K words of fiction this past year - not including song lyrics or drabbles - and thinking, the FUCK?....
I keep tapping out more sentences.
I have 27 1/2 pages! 3 and 1/2 chapters!
And a headache. But I am chuffed.
Deborah. BTW I note that Cruel Sister can now be pre-ordered at Amazon. If any of your Beta readers want to write a review there, I understand this can improve sales, and that pre-orders sales can affect how publishers promote your stuff.
Technical types questions:
1 -- Potential saleable novel formatting: Double-spaced? page Numbers?
2 -- AmyLiz, et. al. -- Any idea of average/desirable page length for contemporary setting paranormal romance with a lot sex and the use of the word "fuck" in it? Ideas for publishers whose sites I could look at for ideas on this? Potential publishers? Jumping the gun, I know, but I'm a Virgo, and I like ahead-of-time info.
3- Dialogue: I'm leaning towards minimum use of "He said "Blah"/she argued "Yaddah." Going more for back and forth, except when need to use "speaking" verbs to indicate who's talking, and mood. Thoughts?