Don't Go Hunting What You Don't Want to Find (100 words)
No, no. This is wrong. I shouldn't be doing this. It doesn't matter that it's electronic, that there will be no steamed envelopes or careless smudges.
Class schedules, group projects, work emergencies. No sign of her glittering prose here; everything is spare, utilitarian. Even this one: "7:30, Thursday. Behind the library. -J" Thursday. The day she couldn't meet me for dinner because "I have to work late, you know how it is." Oh.
"Babe, why are you staring the screen like that?"
Being right doesn't justify it. I run for the bathroom, not knowing which of us disgusts me more.
Oh, Karl. OUCH.
Just ouch. That one draws blood.
Poor you.
Not that you haven't gone on, just fine, but...
That's ... harsh. The reality I mean, not the story.
t On edit
Just to be clear, that was a compliment.
That's especially sharp and honest, Karl. Ouch.
Karl, that was wonderful. Painful, but beautifully done. The observations about the difference in her language were what really got me.
Writing about oneself, when one doesn't find oneself very interesting is a mindgrinding exercise.
Would it make any sense for you to write about the things you've done as if ita (just to pick an example out of my hat) had done them? Can you get a list of accomplishments written, and then take a step back to say "Wow, some of these are really cool" without automatically discounting them because you don't find the person who did them very interesting?
(For what it's worth, I find you very interesting, but I'm not sure that helps you write the book.)
Allyson, so let someone who does find you interesting - my geuess would be, that's pretty much all of us - write about you.
Me, I'm about to kiss a long-preserved personal anonymity goodbye, with a long email to Joel Selvin tomorrow. Unless I chicken out. Which I won't.
Sorry. Enigmatic. It concerns the inspiration for the Kinkaids, and a show Selvin aired tonight. The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things....
Wish me some serious courage tomorrow. I'll need it.
edit: cancel the courage. I wrote the damned email, and sent it. Aw jeez.
It's Monday, May Day, and New Drabble Day!
Challenge #107 (describe a character by the contents of his/her _____) is now closed.
Challenge #108 is The Big Reveal. (I admit, it was inspired entirely by Deb's big scary e-mail of yesterday.)