Oh, I get it. You just don't like who did the rescuing, that's all. Wishin' I was your boyfriend what's-his-height. Oh wait, he's run off.

Spike ,'Potential'

The Great Write Way, Chapter Two: Twice upon a time...  

A place for Buffistas to discuss, beta and otherwise deal and dish on their non-fan fiction projects.

Susan W. - Mar 13, 2005 8:30:40 am PST #504 of 10001
Good Trouble and Righteous Fights

Deb, I know you don't mean it that way, but I feel like you're telling me the way my creative process works is wrong. All I was trying to do is start a discussion of the fun of coming up with new ideas, tell how it works for me, see what inspires other people, etc.

I probably shouldn't have even included the bit about "what if I don't get any new ideas," because it's really NOT a major worry. Dammit, I know I worry too much, but I really don't sit around obsessing over every little thing. Just because I say I'm worried, or "what if," doesn't really mean I'm sitting around tearing my hair out over it! All I meant is my brain has this story generation process I don't completely understand or control, and that while it's cool, it's also a little freaky, because I don't know whether it's going to decide to give me ten books in the next month or one in the next ten years. That's all.

And when I talk about interesting ideas, I just mean what's interesting to me. Also, I'm planning a career based on historical and/or fantastic fiction with a certain epic sweep. So I can't help but be drawn to the shipwrecks and battles and the like. They're my stock in trade.

(I'm about to leave the house until late afternoon, so I'm not running from discussion--I'll be back around 5:00, I think.)

deborah grabien - Mar 13, 2005 8:35:29 am PST #505 of 10001
It really doesn't matter. It's just an opinion. Don't worry about it. Not worth the hassle.

Deb, I know you don't mean it that way, but I feel like you're telling me the way my creative process works is wrong.

That would be, no. I don't think there is such a thing as an absolute; and, by that definition, there's no such thing as wrong. I was giving a basic, the idea that stories can only come a certain way is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

And I do find listening to that idea from writers very frustrating, because I think it's bogus, and I see a lot of damned good writers clinging to it.

Bottom line is, if you say I can only do it THIS WAY and no other way will ever work for you (this is the universal "you", not the "susan" or "Deb" you), then I can't see anything but frustration for the writer. Closing off is a bad, bad idea for a storyteller.

And when I talk about interesting ideas, I just mean what's interesting to me. Also, I'm planning a career based on historical and/or fantastic fiction with a certain epic sweep. So I can't help but be drawn to the shipwrecks and battles and the like. They're my stock in trade.

But the situation between human beings isn't period-specific; it's also universal. Men say things to women and to each other, and women do, and why wouldn't something you hear between two living breathing human beings bring you an idea for a situation between two 19th century characters?

erikaj - Mar 13, 2005 9:03:17 am PST #506 of 10001
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Well, my dad and my brother are fighting about the nature of their insurance business right now. In the book they are fighting over millions, instead. I'm not all that sure that the squabble would be different, just the scope.

deborah grabien - Mar 13, 2005 9:36:08 am PST #507 of 10001
It really doesn't matter. It's just an opinion. Don't worry about it. Not worth the hassle.

I'm not all that sure that the squabble would be different, just the scope.

Yes, this. And what's more, if you happened to be a writer who wrote 16th century buccaneers on the Spanish Main stories, the situation would be just as useful, if you were willing to open up to it. The dollars can be pirate gold, their Dockers can be the clothes of the period, and the language would change to reflect your setting and characters, but for heavens sake, it's two men arguing over money.

And if that doesn't illustrate a universal, I don't know what will.

erikaj - Mar 13, 2005 9:54:13 am PST #508 of 10001
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Family business is family business.(Me, I'm Fredo, except I didn't get a gig in Vegas...don't everyone remind me how Fredo ends up all at once.shudder.) Fredo is still expected to show up at Christmas. Van, gaming license, six of one...

Topic!Cindy - Mar 13, 2005 10:57:48 am PST #509 of 10001
What is even happening?

I probably shouldn't have even included the bit about "what if I don't get any new ideas," because it's really NOT a major worry. Dammit, I know I worry too much, but I really don't sit around obsessing over every little thing. Just because I say I'm worried, or "what if," doesn't really mean I'm sitting around tearing my hair out over it! All I meant is my brain has this story generation process I don't completely understand or control, and that while it's cool, it's also a little freaky, because I don't know whether it's going to decide to give me ten books in the next month or one in the next ten years. That's all.
Maybe you shouldn't have, because I did read your first post to be taking inventory and concluding that worry was in order. You were just wondering how much people had on their back burners, then?

I don't qualify for the first part of your question, because I don't write (in the sense of have started but haven't completed any) longish form fiction. I can't quiet down enough. I have had one story on a back burner for 25 years or so. I have had a second on the burner since Ben was born (9 years), that keeps trying to merge with the first story, but it ought not. I have had a weird fantasy one on another back burner for what will be two years, coming this June. Except for the M.E.verse, and LotR, I don't believe I have a firm enough background as a reader of fantasy to even attempt that one, for years. I have had a fourth on the back burner since last Easter. There have been other stories that have charred so badly from neglect, I've thrown out them and the pans they rode in on.

Still? I'm gonna need a bigger stove.

erikaj - Mar 13, 2005 11:08:11 am PST #510 of 10001
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Sometimes just getting stuff on paper without the high helps...Cindy, I know you get pulled in a lot of directions...Susan too. I've found myself repeating things like "It's okay to suck." and "Failure is how we learn." during difficult sections. Not cheering, but it keeps me from freezing up or waiting to get "inspired". Because it is more the exception than the rule...I had a high about a month ago but there would be a lot of unwritten words if I waited for another one instead of trying to commit.

Topic!Cindy - Mar 13, 2005 11:16:14 am PST #511 of 10001
What is even happening?

You're completely right about just writing it. At this point, because I am still kind of fond of two of the ideas (the two newest), I want to wait, 'til I can court them, properly.

For the story that was born soon after Ben, I did get an awful lot written down. I had a nearly supernatural boost in creativity when he was a baby. I don't know if I was on some "I HAVE GIVEN LIFE TO ANOTHER" ego kick, or what, but it was a great side effect. I don't know where it all is, now--the story or the creativity. I think a good deal of the story is on the hard drive of a broken laptop. There's probably some paper, somewhere around here, unless I got ruthless and tossed it out, when we moved.

The story I'm most likely to tackle first is the one that's only about a year old. But I need to do some serious research first, and I keep putting it off. I also just need practice. My muscle has practically atrophied.

This year, I lost free time. Last year, I had two days a week, where I had four childfree hours. The first semester of this (school) year, that plummeted to about two free hours. This semester, I have zero. Well, I have 15 minutes after I drop off Julia, while I dash across town, to get Chris. My "plan" is to get serious, once Chris is in school. In the meanwhile, I just blab or braindump.

erikaj - Mar 13, 2005 11:25:22 am PST #512 of 10001
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Maybe it was hormones...there are times I write like a fiend OTR.(Wow, Bitches writing Workshop, much? Sorry if that was TMI.)

Topic!Cindy - Mar 13, 2005 11:28:48 am PST #513 of 10001
What is even happening?

Not TMI for me, erika. It very well could have been hormones. It lasted quite a while, though, so I think it might have been somewhat psyche based, too. In general lately, I just feel like I am getting the life sucked out of me in every direction, and I just don't care enough to try to get serious. I can't finish a book as a reader, right now. I used to read a few books a week.