Drabble (though I'm not sure I like it...)
“You should quit. You don’t have to take that.”
Eyeliner, dark grey today. It goes on thick and heavy, but it’s bold, so you leave it be.
“It’s a good job, and I’m not quitting just because Harris can be a jerk.”
Eyeshadow next. You pick a bright one, but you know it’s wrong after it’s on. He looks at you in the mirror, angry at Harris but swinging at you.
“You look like you’re wearing a clown mask.”
A dark drip slides down your pale cheek. You wear a mask, but Harris isn’t who makes you put it on.
Whenever I write something that wanders away from what I sat down to say, I end up feeling like it's not as good, because it wasn't what I was trying to say....
This writing a book thing is going to be hard... you can wander a lot farther afield in 50,000 words.
you can wander a lot farther afield in 50,000 words.
Turns out there can be some very interesting things in those fields, though.
Nothing wrong with wandering, in my world. I can't imagine not wandering; hell, that's where the interesting shit lives.
I'm getting my rejection letters back. Just about all of them say the same thing, "great voice, unsure where this fits."
Which is frustrating, because I can't figure out how to fix that.
You have a next-book idea, right, Allyson? Worst-case scenario may be that that's the one that has to sell first.
That's the worst-case scenario, Jesse. I'll need to lick my ego-wounds for a bit, though, before I get started on a new outline.
Allyson, what about breaking up the book and sending some of the pieces individually to magazines? If some of the essays have already been published, it might be easier to sell the book.
'Course, I have no idea what magazines off the top of my head, but it's a thought.
The mask drabbles rock, all of them.