Cruel Sister is frickin' done.
Final word count: 77,276 (I wanted a 72K minimum, 80K maximum)
Final manuscript page count: 375
Being beta-read by my lovely list. Any changes will be incorporated. It goes to Nic at the office so that he can print it out tonight. Then it goes to Jenn. Then it goes to my editor at St. Martins Minotaur. If it sucks, it sucks.
And tomorrow?
I get to start London Calling.
Over a month ahead of deadline.
YAY DEB!!!!!!!
(more Bree and JP for mememememememe)
(more Bree and JP for mememememememe)
Exactly what I was thinking.
More Bree and JP for ME!
"London Calling" is going to have a look - a bit scary - at the neoNazi skinhead thing in London in the late seventies. The entire book is going to be intense to write.
I'm thinking the chapter hook - LC's version of "GOOD EVENING, (INSERT CITY)! from R&RNF, and "Recording, (insert song title), JP leads it in, on three, one - two -" from WMGGW should be cell phone messages.
"London Calling" is going to have a look - a bit scary - at the neoNazi skinhead thing in London in the late seventies. The entire book is going to be intense to write.
What a backdrop, deb. That's going to be great.
Can my WIP readers look at the last few pages of Cruel Sister, s'il vous plait? So I can finalise and send it off to Nic? Need feedback on the wrapup.
BREE! JP! Back to the Kinkaid Chronicles shortly!
(doing the Has Been Good Little Writer and Now Gets to Do the Books I Want To Write dance)
What a backdrop, deb.
It's actually going to be one of the main themes: a motive for murder.
Deb, did you send out the epilogue yet? Because I don't have it.
I just re-sent. Let me know if it doesn't get there. Gah!
Received and blackflung, ma'am.