What Amy said. That's exactly it.
Deep into editing for a friend today - fourth book in her series, due at her editor's tonight, all of her WIP readers bounced and she's stuck and freaking.
Fantasy. So not my genre. Thanks be, she's a good writer - it makes the genre bearable for me.
90K words. I've just read the first 14K. I may get some work of my own done today, but I'm beginning to doubt it. Still, this is needed, and she's a very good friend.
I'm trying to think of a "strike" drabble to get in under the wire, and coming up with nothing.
I think it's funny that we didn't drabble it much, but we talked about striking (hitting, violence, throwing) a lot last week.
All I managed was a sonnet...
Oh, that's *all*
Fuck you, then.
It totally sends me to a "Viva la Huelga" place, but I don't really have an image.
Just stupid Stepmonster asking "Why is it wrong to cross a picket line?"
I should have told her it makes your butt look big.
Hey, a sonnet's nothing to sneeze at. Particularly that one, which was lovely.
Just stupid Stepmonster asking "Why is it wrong to cross a picket line?" I should have told her it makes your butt look big.
New topic, Tep?
I know you're exhausted today. You want some suggestions?
I'll throw out:
leaves changing color
I like leaves. "bed" and "ghost" are too obvious.
I don't know. I'm obviously biased, but I think there are a lot things you can do with both "bed" and "ghost". 'Cause beds ain't just for porn, and ghosts can be lots of things other than stock Halloween creatures.
ghosts can be lots of things other than stock Halloween creatures
Sing it, sister. What in hell else is the Kinkaid Chronicles, if not a ghost story?