Battle scene tough to write.
I just keep telling myself that A) I can't finish the book unless I finish this scene, and B) my very smart CP Alyssa says I'm good at action scenes, so maybe it isn't really the suckiest thing I've ever written despite how it feels.
Another dancing drabble:
We’re all together for the first time in years, celebrating the last of our weddings. Our spindly dress shoes are history, and the music is loud, a delirious anthem of songs we once knew by heart. We’re not so much dancing as bouncing, singing along as the DJ changes up each tune, “Sweet Caroline…paradise by the dashboard light…baby, we were born to run…”
For the moment, flushed and panting and laughing hard, time has folded in on itself, and our blood runs thick with memories as we dance, spinning back through the years to the sweet, hot nights of childhood.
Mom! Amy just broke meeeeeeeee!
Puts Deb back together carefully.
It's one of my true ones -- a friend's wedding back in April. Such a good time. Girls I've known since junior high.
"...glory days, they'll pass you by, glory days..."
The scene is moving along now. All a matter of accepting that I neither can nor should detail everything someone in Jack's position would've experienced in the battle in question, which made the task much less overwhelming.
ION, it looks like I'm going to be having breakfast with Jo Beverley and Mary Jo Putney on Labor Day. Someone remind me that authors I was reading for years before I decided to write myself aren't inherently any scarier than the other kind, because I'm all "Eek! What am I going to SAY?" even though I more or less started this myself by sending JB an email when I saw on her website that she's going to be in town for a con.
ION, it looks like I'm going to be having breakfast with Jo Beverley and Mary Jo Putney on Labor Day.
Hey, that'll be fun! I've heard such nice things about both of them.
Two of my favorite authors, Susan! Feel free to be as fangirlish and "squee"-ee as you want, you'll be filling in for a bunch of us who would love to be there! Just tell them that.
Gah. I would be such a fangurl.