this thing Tommy had, that when Pammy, his princess, his angel on earth, had it, they called it dyslexia. For Tommy they called it being an idiot and his old man whacked him with a wooden spoon over his book reports.
I love this so MUCH. Great writing.
mulling over Trust. this popped in my head.
Trust. Such a passive-aggressive thing. It's there or it isn't. Asking after it won't make it appear, and if you have to ask you already know you don't have it. But you're betting the other person is such a pussy that they won't want to look bad by admitting to your face that they'd rather trust Hannibal Lecter with their child than you with anything. It's rude not to trust someone, you'll hurt their feelings. Serial killers and con artists know that.
Trust. It's there or it's not. You already know. Don't ask me. Because I'll tell you.
Thanks, Robin. I'm thinking that my biggest supporting character doesn't want to be supporting forever.
Connie, good one.
Damn, connie. That one cuts to the quick. Well done.
erika, I love the voice that comes through so clearly in your writing. Nice job.
Mine or his?
(I'm only half kidding about that.)
People who are interested in reading some intentionally bad writing might want to mosey over to the fanfiction thread, starting about here: Lyra Jane "Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?" Jun 29, 2005 6:35:23 am PDT
I propose either "bitter" or "bile"
Because I'm bitter and bilious.
Problem with bile is that I get mentally locked on Eugene Tooms, the X-Files freakzoid.
I mean, hard to top that use of bile, you know?