Speed whistles past the canopy and trembles in the controls as we cruise toward the next turnpoint. A dip of the wing first one way, then the other, hints at the lift we are passing by. A pulsing buzz from the instrument panel coaches, "A little faster...now slower...." The unwinding altimeter feeds that little knot of fear that we'll have to land in some farmer's field, while the sight of distance made good tries to reassure us that it was height well spent.
A kick in the pants tells us we've found the next good thermal, just in time. We circle, and climb, and dance the dance again.
Connie, that officially freaked my shit out.
It's sad that I'm tempted to write an entire drabble in 1337-speak, isn't it?
Try it, and I KEEL YOU!!!
Connie, that officially freaked my shit out.
Sorry. Somehow he always knows when it's me touching him.
Try it, and I KEEL YOU!!!
w00t w00t that would r0x0r!!!1
Oh, it'll happen. I just need inspiration. I'm thinking of going and reading the forums for something like World of Warcraft for a while, only I'm pretty sure I don't want brains on my computer monitor.
I'm pretty sure I don't want brains on my computer monitor.
Your brains or someone else's?
Mine. Gamers make my head go 'splodey.
Was any of that in English?
I mean, what's D. talking about?
Heh. Sorry, deb, probably not a world you have to deal with.
"1337-speak" is this terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE tradition invented by people who play lots of video games and/or hack computers maliciously, and thus think they are cool. They have this tendency to talk in numbers instead of letters: for example, the number series "1337" is a replacement for "leet" (because 1's kind of look like l's, and 3's kind of look like e's, and 7's kind of look like t's) which is itself a bastardization of "elite." Similar things are "h4X0r" for "hacker" and "r0X0r" for "rocks." For example, you might say "1 4m 4 1337 h4x0r! 1 r0x0r!"
Of course, this tradition was so infuriatingly stupid that eventually it became uncool, and is now mocked more than it is spoken in seriousness. But even the mocking of it is annoying. Which is why I probably won't actually make the drabble. It was, however, the first thing that popped into my head when I heard "communicate without words" which is a sign that I seriously need to give the computer a break.
His shoulder dips and there’s a beat before the kick launches. His feet are light and relaxed, but there’s a hitch as his shoulder moves – his right is stiffening up again.
She smiles. He sees this, and doesn’t know why. She forgets he’ll react to this, but smiles a little more as he tenses.
He doesn’t have the room to think fondly and fight. He will, though. He’s good. Caught up in her and his attraction he strains to impress, but she never fights harder than to teach him his next lesson.
Learning to lose is also on the curriculum.