Boo hoo. My guests are both gone. Perkins left at 9:30 to drive to Chicago, and SA just left a few minutes ago to go back to school (she has 3 presentations this week that she needs to work on today -- yikes!).
As for me, it's cold and rainy and despite getting 6 or 7 hours of sleep last night, I'm exhausted. I think I'm going to crawl back in bed to try to get another hour or so before I head off to the family for Easter dinner.
Mmmm. Soon my mom will make me nummy food. Happy Easter, y'all.
sending out the ma to Brendon.
I have a very pretty table for Easter , which for DH, sister, BIL and me is Eat to much food for brunch day. I even have a platter with cadbuy mini eggs , jeely beans, and mini choclate bunnies.
I need to shower now that the ham and gratin are in the oven.
Oh. My. Joss!
I fucking hate Florida!
I left my Cadbury Creme Eggs in a nice dark shadowy place, one full yard away from my monitor, and every single damn egg is melted. Goeey foil wrapped goo! Damnit! When I want a cremem egg, I go want the yummy chocolatey goo, but I was hardness first! Or at least semi solid hardness, not goo! I want it to melt in my fucking mouth, not in the foil.
Happy Renewal of Springtime!
(I'd wish everyone a happy equinox as well, but that was like a week ago)
Well...let's see...there are only five days left in March, and I'm going to be in California in less than three weeks.
Also, I just got an essay published in a national journal!
So things are looking up.
Hi Sean!
Hi Kristin!
Hi JohnSweden!
A few of the cherry trees here are starting to bloom. They are just so pretty.