Off to the salon. Any "hair won't get fed up and fall out ~ma" lying around would be appriciated.
I'm going to get so lectured.
ETA: The shoes WERE cheaper at DSW, but still more than I've ever paid for a pair of shoes not Dansko clogs which have lasted me for 5 years, or LL Bean boots. Mebbe I'll just go try them on today.
How can I help?
Can you come punch a tenant in the head??
So, Aimee, you're going to punch ita in the head, instead? When's the wake?
Heh. Yeah, no. I am can be REALLY stupid sometimes, but I ain't never been THAT stupid.
What did the evil tenant do, Aimee?
Can you come punch a tenant in the head??
Why don't you send them on a bogus run to Simi, and I'll deck them here.
The evil was
to me. They were rude and worse - used very poor grammar. All I was doing was trying to help them.
Why don't you send them on a bogus run to Simi, and I'll deck them here.
t send tenant on bagel run to Simi
EMPRESS(smiles): I think you're going to have to talk to our branch manager about this. She's in Simi Valley. Very hands-on.
TENANT leaves, absurdly gratified.
EMPRESS laughs evilly.
send tenant on bagel run to Simi
Oooh! Extra tricksy and mean! Send her to a place with no bagels!
Jen, seconding all the "move" votes. D'you notice you're not getting any "stay" votes? This is because staying is not your optimum option.
Bad tenant! No being mean to the Empress!
Something else, something else...can't think. Stomach trying to gnaw through backbone. Spinach and broccoli pizza siren-songing me from fridge.
Ah! *Still* jealous beyond the telling of both Trudy and LeePerkins. Jealousjealousjealous.
Back soon.
lipid regulation of voltage-gated potassium channels
I think there's too much lipid interference in the voltage-gated potassium channels, and if we only deregulated the voltage-gated potassium channels, they'd be more competitive, resulting in greater efficiency and prosperity.
Yes, but shouldn't the state be in charge of all biological functions?
Yuck for the colonoscopy, Sail. The human colon is not meant to be that clean.
David, when I was about eight, I was playing on the ice on a pond behind school and recess and slipped and split my upper lip. There was blood everywhere. A teacher fainted. I had to go to the emergency room and get four stitches. My front teeth were just barely hanging on, so I had to eat soup for weeks on end. By about a week after the accident, it was one of the best things that had ever happened to me up to that point. Everyone admired the amount of blood and the stitches were the height of social cachet. The only lasting effects have been a scar on my upper lip and a lingering dislike of Campbell's chicken noodle.
Nicole, AIM froze, I had to reboot it, and then you were gone.
Sorry. Sudden meetings exist today purely as a means to piss me off. More, that is.