lipid regulation of voltage-gated potassium channels
I think there's too much lipid interference in the voltage-gated potassium channels, and if we only deregulated the voltage-gated potassium channels, they'd be more competitive, resulting in greater efficiency and prosperity.
Oh, Hec, this might cheer you up. I got my hair cut in a shortish bob, about chin-length (and a bit shorter in the back). It's very sassy. But I can't post a picture until I shower because right now it looks very much like post-bed Bedlam Chic.
You're just inflaming things, babe.
This ending I'm writing? Sucks. Sorry, y'all.
I guess I don't have the stamina of a novelist. And by stamina, I mean...
ETA: Hec, insent, a while ago. Did you get it?
So it sucks. BFD. Dinchya ever hear of rewriting?
Just Wrote a Sucky Opening Scene To Her New Script And Already Sees Much Rewriting Ahead and Has No Time For Sympathy
I'm gonna write it anyway...I just feel like a tease.
Good. 'Cause the Suck only stops weak-ass writers, and you and I aren't gonna be one of those.
Nope, no punk-ass Bitches.
Stupid novel! Make my life worthwhile.
(Kicks novel, pages fly)
I'm not picking that up.
Heh. I just read about that story. I'm hoping that "Would you like fingers with that?" stops repeating in my head soon.