Anne, I thought in the DC housing market everyone was waiving inspections in order to get the house they wanted! But I suppose if you want to sell it ASAP, you can't wait for someone who wants it like that. I think I"m just jealous of the buying of houses, though. There was an open house for the apartment down the hall (1 bedroom) for $359K. Who the hell can afford that, for a place that would be a squeeze for two people??
When my parents bought our house, it had carpet in the kitchen and the bathroom off the kitchen. They tore it out ASAP.
vw has puked twice since getting to school.
I hope you went home, and as others said, only count it as half a sick day. After all, you made it (impressively!) to one class already! (Yay, looks like you did)
22 day cycles are WRONG. Of course, I'm all about being on the pill and skipping the placebo pills, so...
he birth certificate because I don't *have* a passport, and the SS card for work things.
Why not get a passport, Plei?
People seem to be at odds as to whether I'm old-school comic book Storm, or movie Rogue
That's kickass! Screw covering it up!
I'd pick changing your bedtime vs getting up early on Saturday
Speaking from experience: a 9am-1pm sign class on Saturdays? Not the best way to wake up. Did it for four semesters, but man, was it so tempting to skip class, EVERY WEEK. Also, makes it hard to go away for the weekend.
Your not the author just another crazy loud mouth pro choice bitch
Oh, damn. Good luck with the lawyers.
Wow, you guys posted a lot today!
vw, sic on them. I'd be boiling mad and rubbing my hands with glee at how much bitch-slaping they would face.
ION, I went through my first parent-teacher conferences tonight. I talked to 42 parent(s) in two hours.
Hookers at a Sexaholics Anon. convention have less hurty jaws.
I talked. A LOT. 21 parents an hour. Is that some kind of record?
Thanks...fairly certain it's just life, but she found something once, you know?
Psst, Cashmere: your tag is missing a verb.
Signed, your friendly neighborhood copyediting pedant.
In other news that's all about me and my obsessive-compulsive tendencies: Am I really, really stupid to give up my mega-super-ultra-cheap-but-very-far-from-the-T bedroom in an apartment with two filthy boy roommates in order to move to a relatively-cheap-but-still-twice-what-I'm-paying-now studio apartment that's around the corner from Davis Square?
I just. can't. deal. with the filth. Forget about the fact that I'm the only person who cleans anything up, whether I spilled it or not--the fact that neither of them wash their hands when they're done in the bathroom is enough to make me crazy. The soon-to-be-nurse in me can't abide it!
21 parents an hour. Is that some kind of record?
Teacher record, or hooker record?
I can live with my own mess; other people's though, I can't abide.
BUt twice the rent? Yeouch. I dunno.
Jen, your sanity, not to mention your health, is worth the extra money.
Askye, yes, when your mom gets back, it would be nice to get some feedback from her. Thank you for offering.
I'm tired. Excrutiatingly tired and really lousy company. Weirdly, Perkins says she needs quiet and is enjoying herself. Huh.
Teacher record, or hooker record?
Oh, teacher, for sure. Fucking is a lot easier than talking to chatty parents.
I AM really proud of the way I dealt with a parent's concern about Twain's use of the N word in "Tom Sawyer." I explained that I used it as a way to bring up how society deals with racism now as opposed to the past, when it was accepatable for writers like Twain to use it casually; that the students were shocked and appalled to see it in print and that I considered that an excellent sign. She nodded thoughtfully and seemed to find it acceptable. I think, though, that I am happy that I like her kid a lot and our conversation before this topic came up had dealt with what a great, well-mannered boy he was and how much I liked having him in the class.
Oh man, Jen. Run. Run away. Run away. Run away.