Doo doo doo. 10-2, full panel of 11th circuit, against.
Generally, I try not to have politically- or religiously-charged conversations with people I'm unsure of the "offense line" (given that political discourse in this country has, basically, failed - it's all name-calling and finger-pointing and "we're right, they're wrong", and I participate in that with gay abandon.)
this comic makes me smile SO MUCH, I had to share.
Hee. I tagged that yesterday.
Hee... Hey, I beat you to that tag! Ask P-C!
to be fair, Betsy, you led me to the comic, anyway. You tagged fair and square.
I looked out in Mom's neighbor's yard and the wisteria has bloomed -- I swear it wasn't there yesterday. And all the dogwoods are blooming, and I've seen daffodils.
And everythign is green!!! All of you in the snowy parts of the country should come here.
Skimming. Guilty. (When I wake up and there's over 200+ messages, I tend to glaze over. Mea maxima whatever.)
BUT! It's so TRUE. Insecticide. Ew.
You tagged fair and square.
Well, it can truly never be said too often. Zombies unite! You have nothing to lose but your limbs!
Joe called my mom and asked if I could take some TheraFlu. She said no and if we bothered her during Desperate Housewives again, she's call Tom DeLay herself.
Joe called my mom and asked if I could take some TheraFlu. She said no and if we bothered her during Desperate Housewives again, she's call Tom DeLay herself.