This is probably a combination of people not really knowing how to handle the weapon and the fact that you are increasing the chances of the attacker panic-ing.
my theory is, give them what they want, don't try to die protecting posessions. Once they go after you, physically, time to kick some ass. Or run away. Trying to formulate a decent exit stratey while giving up your wallet, jewelry, etc., would probably be a good thing.
I'm thinking of muggings, specifically. I could well be full of shit, as it's never happened to me.
The break in was staged while the women were away. The guy trashed the place just to trash it: broke bottles and threw stuff on the floor in the kitchen, stole the remotes because he couldnt' take the tv and stereo, etc. He also gave the dogs food and put them outside. He managed to take a lot of stuff.
One of the women had copies of her DL, credit card, and her actual ss card just lying around. And her birth certificate, so he said she made it easy to steal her identity.
It was very creepy to watch.
Does the show pay for clean up, or is he just a destructive little shit who's figured out how to get paid for getting his jollies?
28 days is a long cycle for me. I average somewhere between 22 and 26, but it's always a slow change either up or down, so I'm fairly predictable. Some months, I've only had a 22 day cycle, with 7 days on.
FEAR ME (or possibly feed me).
One of the women had copies of her DL, credit card, and her actual ss card just lying around. And her birth certificate, so he said she made it easy to steal her identity.
Where is your social security card supposed to be? I've lost my bag/purse/wallet/jacket more often than my place has been broken into. A safe?
We've been told that 90% of the time (this may just be California) if they threaten you with a weapon and ask for stuff -- if you give it up and don't fight, you walk away unhurt. However, if they try and move you
consider your life in jeopardy and act accordingly.
Safe deposit box. You *should* also keep passport and birth certificate, etc there.
That being said, my SS card is in my purse, my birth cert is in an expandable file in the cupboard at home. If someone tries to steal my identity, all they're going to do is improve it so, steal away! I say.
We've been told that 90% of the time (this may just be California) if they threaten you with a weapon and ask for stuff -- if you give it up and don't fight, you walk away unhurt. However, if they try and move you anywhere, consider your life in jeopardy and act accordingly.
That's what I've heard, too.
Makes sense with what I read, ita.
NEVER go to a second scene.
You *should* also keep passport and birth certificate
Meaning I'd need to get to that specific bank during business hours before I could travel?
I'm passport paranoid, but I don't think I would. It doesn't hurt to have a dad in the Foreign Service. Replacements are a little quicker than usual.