And woot, vw! That's great -- and amazing. I know how incredibly, insanely stressful the past couple of years have been for you, and if any smoker on earth deserved a no-scolding pass on account of too much other shit to worry about right now, it'd have been you.
Thank you and thank you. Quitting actually wasn't too difficult, which is surprising. Although, when things get tough it is one of the first things I turn to. Except, right now, my asthma is so bad that one little puff sends me hacking up a lung. So, smoking? Not in my best interest or very comfortable.
Two stories, though, 'cause I've always got a story or two. When I was public aid back in 1996, I got no cash. So, my parents gave me $20 a month for spending money. They called my therapist because they were concerned that I was spending my money on cigarettes. She's like, "Um...I think she has many other things you should be more worried about. We'll worry about the smoking later." Also, my therapist was a smoker, so...
My friend J is trying to stop smoking. I keep trying to tell her that I think that is the least of her problems right now. I mean, I totally support her quitting, but I'm not sure she should add the stress right now.
Oof. Poor J. The only thing I can think that might be good about her quitting now is that she has so much crap going on that's not totally under her control, it may be making her feel a little better to have one very concrete, specific, purely physical thing to wrestle with and gain control over.
In case anyone was wondering, I have the bestest roommate ever. She just made a very yummy dinner, and I am all nice and full.
What did you have for dinner? (I haven't eaten yet and I don't know what to make. I need ideas.)
Tortillas and beans...her specialty. It's a very yummy treat.
That sounds really good except I'm not big on beans. I do have chicken, tortillas, taco flavoring, cheese, salsa, um, that's it. I could make some
lean tacos. Or I could make some cream of chicken soup.
I'm not feeling very creative tonight.
eta: on a positive non-food related note - I've got Friday off of work for Good Friday - although I will have to figure out some seafood dish for that day - ooh, seafood enchiladas! Okay, so it is food related.
Hi, there. Trudy can't come to the computer right now, so I'm updating you under an assumed name.
She saw many more mountains and will soon have photos to share with all of you. She also met my personal trainer and has confirmed my theory that said tiny blonde female is actually Buffy Summers in disguise, though we saw no stakes. We are on our way to the grocery store to fetch the rest of the ingredients for corn and cheddar cheese chowder, which we will eat while watching Stargate: SG-1 episodes on DVD , from the comfy futon in the TV room.
We'll save you some soup.
Hopefully Trudy will be able to see the snowy mountains under the near full moon we've got going at the moment.
Yeah, I'm wondering if what I had was really food poisoning. I've heard of many cases recently (Cindy included, I think) of major stomach wrenching.
I know I had a couple rounds (or one long one that abated for a while) of something like this. I was sick last weekend (and out sick from work Monday and Tuesday) and never got back to feeling 100%. I ended up leaving work at 2 today because I felt like it was coming back all morning, but I don't feel too bad right now (though I mainly just want to crawl into bed, I also hope to get through 24 before that - if I go to bed now, I'm almost guaranteed to wake up at stupid o'clock in the morning and not be able to get back to sleep).