Just found out that one of my coworkers (whom I love and adore) got a prize in the Grilled Cheese International that Kristin posted about. She was runner-up in the "spaz" category, and her BF was a celebrity judge. He got that distinction by eating the most grilled cheese sandwiches LAST year.
Small world, ain't it?
Wow. I got nothin' but "wow" for that.
GRRRRRRRRRR! I am fuming mad! I just googled a poem I wrote years ago to see if it was still posted on the site where I submitted it. Not only is it still posted there (which is fine), but it has been reposted on several sites that have opposite beliefs as me about the issue. And it's a BAD poem. But mostly, I just don't want it being taken out of context and used as propoganda for the other side. And, of course, I can't find e-mail addresses for the organizations to e-mail them and ask them to remove it. Plus, it's a touchy issue with me, and I'm not sure I want to get into a debate with crazy people about it. Did I mention grrrrrrrr?
Oddly enough, despite the obfuscation, I have a pretty clear idea of what happened to vw. Which is grrrr-making, indeed.
Yeah, that wasn't as non-obvious as I hoped, huh?
Yeah, that wasn't as non-obvious as I hoped, huh?
Depends on how much people know about you, I guess.
Did you try using whois to find the e-mail address of whoever registered the sites?
Did you try using whois to find the e-mail address of whoever registered the sites?
A couple of them are MSN groups with no moderator listed. Another is a university website, which I'm sure I'd need a more specific person to contact than the webmaster of the university.
Another is a university website, which I'm sure I'd need a more specific person to contact than the webmaster of the university.
I would think a sharply worded email about unauthorized use might have some effect.
grrrr on your behalf, vw.
I hope Lee found the Lush store.
Aidan is mildly autistic. I guess he walked funny only being mildly cp and had to balance it somehow.
According to the doctor, we need to get him into pre-school as soon as possible and view all his oddities as strengths starting now. She was quite pleased with his ability to concentrate on things despite everything going on around him, as well as his ability to count to 23 and sort books according to his own system. She says he's going to be brilliant.
I'm sorry, Deena. I'm glad the news isn't terrible, but I'm sorry it isn't "What are you worrying about, he's fine!"