I checked out The Dreaded Brocolli, a funny cookbook written by a woman (and her daughter) after her husband had a heart attack and they changed their diet.
The good thing, especially if you're in the habit of doing the cooking anyway, is that there are so many ways to make something better for you when you're cooking from scratch, even without starting a whole new way of eating. In 99% of recipes, for example, butters and oils can be cut by more than half without changing a thing about the finished dish. (Not baked goods, but all the recipes that start out "sautee onions in 2 T butter, etc.") Different meats, or cuts of meat. I don't like low fat cheeses, but it works fine in recipes where the cheese is part of the taste, but not the main event. So the low-fat stuff goes on the inside, real if it's going to be sprinkled on top. And you can make things like stews and chilis that are crazy good for you but are hearty (and traditional) enough that they don't set off the you-can't-make-me-change reflex.
But the chicken-fried steak is going to up to him. Though that was a great idea to check out the menu with him and see what other things he might like instead.
Why Tom Delay should be pushed out of an airplane.
1. Because it's funny.
2. Because Deb has everything and is really hard to buy gifts for.
3. He's a lying sack of...
Use staples. Paperclips fall off too easily.
Okay. Somehow I'd gotten it in my head that you weren't supposed to staple anything to your official tax forms, but I guess I was wrong. Thanks.
Loving the Owen stories, by the way. And now I'm singing to myself, "Everybody wants a dog to bang their baby bottle on" (to the tune of "Everybody wants a rock to wind a piece of string around", of course).
...because Bill Frist is standing underneath and ripe for crushing?
What I was annoyed at was the fact that a 10x15” pan will not fit.
Well sure, what kind of crazy-ass pan is that?
That is something she would want to look at every Christmas.
I admit when the case first broke, I read those depictions of Terri expressing herself too, but not with a liquid brain!
Cashmere, Parker and I want to know where you got that tag!
Well sure, what kind of crazy-ass pan is that?
It's a jelly-roll pan. (I made up the dimensions because I couldn't remember but it's mostly like a long cookie sheet with edges.)
bored bored bored.
Must go get lunch and work.
bored bored BOREDbored bored bored
t bored