Don't let AmyP hear that. Sh'ell be offering to send things like cookies and cash. POssibly her son. She's addicted to Aveda.
I am totally Aveda's bitch.
I just got Greg to agree to try to buy a house within the next 6 months.
Yay! Scary, but YAY!
Aimee, yeah, your haircut and color look great on you. I exhibit no suprise.
Cindy is me in regards to Aimee's purty, new hair.
I have to clean my car out. It's all winter ick in there--salt and sand
Call the police! Cindy has stolen my car!
Can you tell we canceled our morning newpapers?
We did that two years ago. The paper guy kept hitting the front door. The dogs took this as a sign that he was trying to break in and kill us in our sleep so they barked like maniacs at 5:30 a.m. EVERY morning. No newspaper is worth that.
I do, however, manage to log on to the paper's pay website under the log in from my old job. This is dishonest, but better than not having any news.
My question is: It seems to me that I keep cleaning off my desk, but it's never clean. It has two prescriptions I should call in, two printed out e-mails, a dust rang, a Kleenex, three business cars, a notbook, a coupon, notes on odd bits of paper, a checkbook, some crumbs and Miss Piggy on it.
I have three towering stacks of papers to go through, a few magazine subscription payments to send in, the bag full of crap from Cingular containing my old cell phone, new cell phone manual, old entertainment guides, our city taxes which still need to be filed, a baby monitor, and a Day Minder from 2004.
Do you have a wastebasket near your desk? If not, maybe that would help?
I have a wastebasket AND a paper shredder and I still can't keep mine clean.
YOU BASTARD!!! /Southpark
My sister and BiL just left. It's been a fun weekend but I'm exhausted. But we have new dining chairs coming in tomorrow.