Alexei Yagudin
I wonder whatever happened to that tape I have of the exhibition skate from the 2002 Olympics, when he stripped down to some very skimpy underwear while changing his costume. I bet they don't let the cameras follow the skaters into dressing rooms anymore.
From Scott Hamilton: "If he takes off any more, we're going to have to go to cable." I still wonder if the camera man wasn't paying attention and had to have someone yell in his ear "Move the camera!" before he realized what he was taping, or if he knew damned well.
Liked the opening credits to the JM heist film.
How much do I like JM in a turtleneck? I wanna lick my TV screen. Been too long without him on it.
Oh, I forgot to tape the JM heist film. I'll check the schedule for the next viewing.
Watching basketball. The Cincinnati team is doing right by Teppy. Wow, this is an wild game. Serious energy between Kentucky and Cincy.
I think it's repeating in the wee hours of the morning Laura.
He does look good.
Yes! It runs again at 2AM. I do want to check it out.
USA made for TV movie
Cool Money.
I set to tape the 2AM showing and look forward to the sumi and Sail reviews.
Beth - of course it is not yet time for your 9PM viewing of the movie if you want to check it out.
Hey, if any Gilbert and Sullivan fans want to see the Rice Light Opera Society's production of
tonight at 10 CST, head over to and watch the webcast! It's way cool.