among its many clinics is one specifically serving patients with dentist phobias
My best friend has one of those. The last time she went to the dentist (after having not gone for 5 or so years) they had to break her cleaning into two separate appointments. She's never gone back for the 2nd 1/2 of her cleaning. After 3 years.
I wonder how these clinics deal with the phobia.
Aimee, you could *so* carry off both of those.
I wonder how these clinics deal with the phobia.
Seriously. There's a clinic in Milwaukee that will put you under for even routine care if you're that freaked out.
Aimee, the second cut is much nicer. The first one's a little too Nashville.
Aimee, you could *so* carry off both of those.
I kinda like the second one better, but the first one is appealing to my funky side.
Also, ooooh!
oooh seconded...I wonder if I could do that or if my face is too chubby.
UW Dentistry Clinic.
The dental clinic at my med school is great -- I've never had anyone but a full faculty member work on me, and every one of the three I've seen has been gentle and thorough and really attentive to my various frettings. And that's just the regular faculty practice, not even the phobias clinic.
IME as someone who went reluctantly and fearfully to the dentist after a 7-year break, if you tell the clinic when you make your first appointment that you haven't been in many years and you're phobic, they'll schedule you for someone who won't frighten you right back out into the wilderness again.