Susan, is there a medical school in Seattle? Because the university I work at has a huge dental school, and among its many clinics is one specifically serving patients with dentist phobias.
Much, much -ma to your father, and to your whole family.
And also tons of healing-ma to Teppy's Big!Boss and askye's father.
In my desk drawer I have a shamrock cookie with green sugar sprinkles, given to me by a random child. She was waiting at the elevator, all decked out in green shirt and green necklace and with a big shamrock balloon tied to her wheelchair that said I'M 8 TODAY! So I wished her a happy birthday, and she pulled out a little sparkly green bag and asked me if I wanted a cookie. For her birthday, giving other people cookies! So damn cute and sweet and melty-making! The cookie's in my desk awaiting the midafternoon blood sugar sag, but I really don't know if I can bear to eat it, what with teh cute and all.
I really don't know if I can bear to eat it, what with teh cute and all.
Your logic does NOT resemble our Earth logic.
I'd have eaten the cookie before I even turned to walk away from the little girl.
But then, I am a Cookie Whore(TM).
But then, I am a Cookie Whore(TM).
I don't think you can own the trademark for this. Didn't you see the special episode of Cookie Monster Goes To Times Square (pre-cleanup)?
I loved my old dentist in DC. Maybe I should just wait until I visit my parents and make an appointment then.
I think I could take Cookie Monster in a street fight.
erika, if you're around, have you heard anything about this? From tvguide online
URBAN RENEWAL: It was touch-and-go there for a while, but sources confirm that HBO has renewed its acclaimed police drama The Wire for a fourth season. New episodes probably won't start airing until early '06, so you've got plenty of time to Netflix the DVDs.
Restrained woo-ing here.
Also, strength and health-ma to the dads of askye and Susan. And for Teppy's boss and family.
Thank you all for talking about hair. I need to call my craxy craxy lady and make an appointment. I want to do something different but I have no idea what.
Hec, I need help with hair style options. It's a new stylist, and I think I need to go in with some plans of action. Since you're around... any thoughts?
Susan, is there a medical school in Seattle? Because the university I work at has a huge dental school, and among its many clinics is one specifically serving patients with dentist phobias.
UW. Which, come to think of it, would most certainly be covered by Susan's coverage.
Susan, I think the Seattleistas are all dentist avoidant. I need to see mine, but at this point, it's going to have to wait until post-baby. Which will make it, err... three years? Two years? Too many years? between visits.
Three. Oops. I'm bad.
all decked out in green shirt and green necklace and with a big shamrock balloon tied to her wheelchair that said I'M 8 TODAY!
That's absolutely adorable.
I got my hair cut Saturday. Of course, I have a standing appt. every 5 weeks for a trim/color. My hair grows too fast to go any longer between cuts.
Susan, is there a medical school in Seattle?
Heh. UW would be appalled to know that you're asking that. They think they're the bestest most famousest medical school EVAH.
And yeah, there's the UW Dental School with its associated clinics. I could try them. I'd somehow never associated "dental school" with "likely to be kind to severely phobic patients with slightly defective jaws," but I guess it's worth a try. At the very least, most dentists in this city are probably UW alums, so they might have an idea of where I should go.