Happy anniversary, Laura!
Much healthma to your boss, Teppy. That's horrible.
In frivolous mememe news, I'm mildly disgruntled that I won't get to watch my alma mater in the tourney today because they're playing at the same time as the local team. Which means they're obligated to pull off the upset so I can see them on Saturday.
I was going to do a meara style post, but I'm at work and it didn't work out.
Thank you for all your thoughts, ~ma and prayers. Also Ginger -- I had a similiar thought along the muppet sex lines.
Yesterday one of the nurses said they were going to release Dad today, however when I talked to Dad this morning he said he's going home tomorrow. Today they are going to observe him and see how he does getting up and walking around. The cardiologist said there is no damage to his heart, which is huge and I'm so thankful for.
Teppy, you were one of the first person I thought of when I heard about Dad.
Health~ma to Susan's dad, askye's dad and Tep's BigBoss. Yikes.
Happy anniversary, Laura!
Plei, do you know of any place on the Interbunny that I can find a .cbz or .cbr of Graduation Day, perchance?
Plei, do you know of any place on the Interbunny that I can find a .cbz or .cbr of Graduation Day, perchance?
Not on the interbunny, but I can put it up somewhere for you tonight if you send me a reminder email.
{{{Teppy's boss}}}
askye, that's great news about your dad.
Not on the interbunny, but I can put it up somewhere for you tonight if you send me a reminder email.
That would be swell! What e-mail? Gmail?
Teppy -- that's horrible!