Before I met y'all I might have been down with that Prairie Chic mess down at the mall and SJP girly khakis or whatever the fuck. But as the song says, it's too late to turn back now.
I like khakis. They can absolutely be sexy.
You could be a DARK wholesome milkmaid.
Blue does the weird fade thing too often, and even people who look good in blue clothing tend to look like ass on toast with blue hair. Like purple hair, it basically requires Jessica's coloring to pull off.
Ironically, with the blue hair, I can no longer wear most blue clothing. (The overall effect goes from hip and edgy to OMGBLUE with a side of "where were you when they were handing out eyes?")
I'm trying to think if "hip and edgy" have ever been a consideration in my fashion choices. "Comfortable and not-like-to-cause-laughter" are generally my considerations.
Well then. Drilling in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge gets a 51-49 Yay! from the Senate. Plus, meet Kevin Martin, your new FCC chairman:
Additionally, last month while speaking at a telecommunications summit, Martin embraced the notion that cable television and satellite radio, which will soon play home to Howard Stern, should be policed the same way over-the-air radio and television broadcasts are
Ironically, with the blue hair, I can no longer wear most blue clothing. (The overall effect goes from hip and edgy to OMGBLUE with a side of "where were you when they were handing out eyes?")
It could be worse -- you could be called a Smurf.
Interrupting goth discussion with a very important message.
I just ran out of thread.
Thankfully, there is a craft store across the street.
Also, I forgot to cut the width of my last piece of lining. I got one side sewed and FREAKED OUT. I thought I had cut the fabric to skinny. Thank goodness I realized my real error. I would have died if I had ruined 81" of fabric. I bought a little extra, but not that much!
This message brought to you by must-share-everything girl.
I'm just admiring your industry, vw.
t once sewed the right side to the wrong side, took the two pieces apart and then did it again
Well then. Drilling in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge gets a 51-49 Yay! from the Senate. Plus, meet Kevin Martin, your new FCC chairman:
And your new World Bank head honcho, Paul Wolfowitz.
Edited to do: the correct formatting.
Healthma to your dad, askye.
Somebody wake me up when it's Jan. 20, 2009, 'kay?