So you say you like vintage scientific illustration and creative clothing?
Hey, that's by the girl from Dollflesh Clothing. She's a sweetie.
Maria, that is a gorgeous dress. When is the wedding, again? I'm trying to figure out if my WonderSeamstress would be able to make it in time for you.
I'm off to go see the crazy relatives for my stepdad's birthday.
Hey, that's by the girl from Dollflesh Clothing. She's a sweetie.
Indeed, I was just about to send you a picture of her Tim Burtonesque waist-cincher.
Indeed, I was just about to send you a picture of her Tim Burtonesque waist-cincher.
I've been coveting it for years, but can't bring myself to buy it, 'cos I don't think it would look right on me.
I think there was postscript to the dress tale, to the effect that Maria's DF is offerred to buy the dress for her.
Hec, I just read that TRIO is showing
Johnny Staccato
as part of their
Brilliant but Cancelled
series this month, and I thought of you. I seem to remember you mentioning you liked it.
I think Maria's wedding date is October 1, Jilli, but I'm not certain. Maria did say (in Natter, maybe?) her df offered to buy it for her, but I think she wasn't sure she'd take him up on it.
The dress is spectacular.
I think Maria's wedding date is October 1, Jilli, but I'm not certain. Maria did say (in Natter, maybe?) her df offered to buy it for her, but I think she wasn't sure she'd take him up on it.
Ah-ha! Well, then I won't worry quite so much about if Jay the WonderSeamstress would be able to do it.
Thanks, Frank. I actually stumbled across that on my TiVo listings, but I don't get Trio. Fortunately, I found some Johnny Staccato videos at Kim's Video in NYC (gray market at the very least), so I've got some on hand. They're very cool if you get the chance to check them out.
Cool pix from the 5th Annual Edwardian Gorey Ball
Is it surprising that Edward Gorey -- the late author and illustrator known for macabre children's books -- has a saintlike status in San Francisco, where Halloween festivities rule? "The Evil Garden," the fifth annual Edwardian Ball in his honor, provided such a delicious opportunity for ghoulish whimsy -- and costumes -- that dozens of eccentrics lined up outside well before the doors opened at the Cat Club in SoMa's demimonde.The love of Gorey brought all the misfits -- goths, history buffs, puppeteers, Ren Fair fans -- together to let their freak flags fly, in a wholly respectable way. Guys sported dapper suits with cravats, canes and top hats; women wore long black skirts and corsets. A dread-headed Heather Gallagher, a.k.a. "Camera Girl," decked her top hat and Edwardian-era gown with little pink flowers. Another woman removed her motorcycle jacket, revealing a peasant blouse, and replaced it with a red velvet duster. Voila! From biker to pirate.Stepping inside put attendees right into the pages of Gorey's black-and- white story "The Evil Garden," with vines climbing to the ceiling and googly- eyed bugs crouching on the wall. The sounds of classical violins swirled from the speakers, and in the back room -- in an allusion to "The Disrespectful Summons" -- waltzers twirled on the dance floor.