Hubby's on 14 daily drugs. They're starting to give him drugs to counter the drug interactions.
Drug companies get very rich off of heart patients: cholesterol lowering mixes, rhythm stabilizers, mixes of things they're not quite sure what they do but they seem to prevent recurrences . . .
Yup. Also blood-pressure drugs and diabetes drugs, b/c diabetes and heart disease are so commonly seen together.
My Dad hasn't had any new drugs added to his current regimen of (I think) 8-9 drugs, but he's just recently started having a weird adverse reaction that his doctors can't puzzle out. V. frustrating.
They're starting to give him drugs to counter the drug interactions.
Oh, boy do I remember those days! When I was on an MAOI it gave me reflux. The reflux medication made me sick to my stomach, so they gave me something for got kinda crazy. I'm very fortunate to have very few side effects from the current meds.
Has anyone ever been on the pill Singulair?
I take it. I have cough-variant asthma that it works like a dream for. It takes a few days to build up and start working, but it does work for me. I don't need an inhaler with it, either.
It does not, however, work for my allergies. I need Zyrtec on top of the Singulair for allergies.
I don't think Singulair has steriods in it.
The reflux medication made me sick to my stomach, so they gave me something for got kinda crazy
Hubby's got that, but it's one of the primary drugs that gave him the reflux. It's kind of like diagramming a sentence, this drug is a dependent clause off of that drug, and that one may be a dangling modifier but we're not sure.
I don't think Singulair has steriods in it.
Hmmm...I could have sworn that's what she said, but it looks like you're right. I'm probably remembering wrong. Sorry for the misinformation!
When I was on an MAOI it gave me reflux.
Almost all SSRIs produce insomnia; I used to be on an SSRI + Trazodone for sleep. Now I'm taking Elavil for migraine, and it's sedative enough to replace the Trazodone.
I also used to take ginkgo biloba to offset the sexual effects of SSRIs; unfortunately, it was bad for migraines.
sometimes I think maybe I should just go for broke...dye my hair some cotton candy shade and the whole schmear.
Hells, yeah. I'd come over and dye it for you, iff'n I wasn't so far away.
I take 5 daily medications now (if you count calcium and magnesium-oxide that are both prescribed at higher-than-normal dosages). It kinda scares me that I'm taking that in my 30's. What will it be like in my 60's??
Singular isn't a steroid; it inhibits the release of leukotrienes, which are released in response to allergens and then cause airway swelling and smooth-muscle contractions.
Basically, it's like an antihistamine, with a very specific target.
Teppy, is it one of those that has to be taken for several days before effetive? Because Doc was making noises like I'd see immediate results.