Cindy, I am so sorry for your family, and I hope everything works out. Cancer doesn't mean the end -- my mom had lung cancer, had to get 1/2 a lung removed, and she's doung fine. It can work out.
Tangent re: funny cigarettes: one of the weirdest yet oddly touching moments of my mom's cancer was when she was going through the radiation and was sick and I came right out and said "Mom, if you ever want to try marijuana for the nasuea, just let me know, ok?" and her reply was "Honey, that is so sweet!"
ita, I had a dream and thought of you in it last night! I was at a party and macking out with Vin Diesel and Paris Hilton came up and bitch-slapped me --she was jealous -- and I dropped a lovely spinning kick on her (something I canna do it RL) and went back to kissing VD, who was very inpressed, and I thought "ita would be so proud! And jealous!"
And then I was dreaming about renovating a spooky loft apartment owned by hillbilly Mafia.
That's what i get for reading "Awful Plastic Surgery" before I go to sleep, I guess.