did anyone else hear the NPR story about the monarch of Japan?
I heard that too. It's fascinating, both because Japan is such a modern country iin some ways but has (overgeneralization alert!) such a traditional view of women, and because of the idea that she has to start now to prepare for the possibility she may be Empress in 40 years.
Thank you, Betsy, that is who I was thinking of.
yeah...sounds like it.
sj, remind me to send you a copy of crip noir 1.0.
Or we could just wait till the betas are done...both of my betas got hammered with extra stuff over this last little bit.
Or we could just wait till the betas are done...both of my betas got hammered with extra stuff over this last little bit.
Yay! Don't wait; I want to read it.
Yay, vw!
I discovered today that all my hospital bills from Annabel's birth are paid. (I called to ask how much I owed, because the billing process is way confusing, and there's an inherent time lag in that they tend to send the bills around the 15th, but the way our other bills are structured means I can pay toward them out of DH's paycheck on the 10th, but not the one on the 25th, since that's basically our rent money.)
As a result, the money I'd planned to put toward the bill went on one of out debt-bearing credit cards. Which means, for the first time since the hospital bills started arriving, I was able to pay more than the minimum balance on a credit card. This makes me incredibly happy. And in another month, my student loan will be paid off, freeing even MORE money for the paying down of bills. Woohoo!
Yay, vw!
I, like Deena, have lots of work to do and I'm not doing any of it. The problem is that I have two huge projects to tackle and my brain keeps going, "I'll start there. No, there. No, I'll check this website first. No, I'll eat first." This has been going on for several days.
Yay, vw and Susan. Two excellent pieces of news!
That sounds wonderful, Susan! Yay!
I really must go now. I am having trouble tearing myself away from the computer. Take care, everyone, and send some ~ma that my phone line goes in without a problem tommorrow.
And in a story so gruesome I felt it needed its own post, DH was stuck in a traffic jam while making his (late) way into work this morning. The traffic reporter came on KUOW and announced it was because of a jumper on the Ship Canal Bridge. A jumper who jumped, but missed the water and instead hit one of the streets alongside the canal.
Must stop imagining what it would be like to be driving down that street or work near where it happened.