Chess is one of those games that I feel I should be really good at (since I've uber-left-brained, and learned to play almost before I could read), but I think I'm just too impatient.
This is me. I've never been very good at thinking 3 moves ahead, and so chess takes too much concentration for me.
Heh. Does anyone remember Archon or Archon II? A chess game wherein you had to battle for each piece capture. It looks like the game was only for Amigas, but it was so much fun. [link] I'm really regretting donating my old Amiga now.
Nope, never, but I'm not surprised.
What I am surprised about after reading that stuff is that I still want to visit Boston and do not think of it as the Scariest Place In New England, but, come on, after the Baltimore thing? It can only enhance my image of the place.
There could be things wrong with me.
Crap. I don't remember some of my medidation dosages. I know there's a book that has pictures of pills and what they are and what dosage - is there anything like that online?
I suppose I could call my pharmacy. I could call my shrink too, but I can't be sure he'd get back to me today.
Too funny, Jessica.
I can sort of play chess, but I have no end game. ANd I don't know a bunh of opening gambit's and defenses. I can do those puzzles in the paper (the "Mate in two moves" from the shown position ones), maybe I should stop at that claim. DH is pretty good (and can clean my clock, easily) but loses to computer games.
$50 is $50, Cindy. It all adds up. Which is bad when it's leaving you, but nice when yo get to keep it.
We did a surprise mini-ultrasound at the doctor just now and I got to see my little embryo wiggling around. I'm so excited.
What can I do to repay this generous solid you've bestowed on me?
After you get the mix, you can write a Homicide fic based on one of the songs. There's a lot of urban blight in them.
Does anyone remember Archon or Archon II? A chess game wherein you had to battle for each piece capture.
I remember that! I didn't actually play it, but I watched people play because the battles were cool.
I played bridge in college and it was so much fun. I picked up a book and sporadically try to teach my husband and another couple to play, but we can only get through a game or so at a time. It's part of a semi-regular game night, and we have to fit in evenings of Monopoly and LOTR Risk and Trivial Pursuit, so the bridge learning goes slow.
Duh! But unlike rap, the possibility of a brighter day, and about 4,000,000 less "bitches" and "hos."
It's all good.
My God, I'm not getting one-note or anything, am I?
I've never been very good at thinking 3 moves ahead, and so chess takes too much concentration for me.
Yeah, I think that's where I kind of fell apart when my dad was trying to teach me chess. I'm not such a great strategic thinker.
And, but of course, Hec on the fic.