So my boss gave me a form to fill out. I'm supposed to list all prescription medication I've taken over the last 12 months along with the dosages, what the medication is for, when it was prescribed, etc.
This violates HIPAA in so many ways, I don't even know where to start.
Tell your boss you'll provide that information directly to the insurance company or not at all.
I don't particularly feel like giving my bosses a form with info on my depression and anxiety or the treatment of same.
Boy, that doesn't seem legal. Confidentiality anyone? Can you fax it straight to the quoting company and not have the employers see it at all?
so far 2 of the characters have had to get visits from a therapist
There's a *therapist* in Sims 2? I may need to get this.
(Also, askye, I don't know if this works in Sims 2, but in Sims 1 there are several objects you can download that automatically make everyone happy! And yes, I cheat my head off at this game.)
Tell your boss you'll provide that information directly to the insurance company or not at all.
Well I have the actual form from the insurance company. My boss is just going to mail it in with his own form and the other boss's.
Maybe I can mail mine in separately.
Yuck, Tommy, what everyone else said. Don't give it to your employers.
What's Baldur's Gate? It sounds questy, which is probably why I've never heard of it.
It's a D&D type thing; questy, kill the monsters, get the treasure, figure out the mystery. It's fun, and very pretty.
Ah, the plot thickens.
I just noticed that it says on the form:
After completion, sign, remove tape from inside pages, fold closed and press to seal, and submit to your employer.
So there is confidentiality, protected by the tape built into the form. Except they gave me a photocopy, with no tape. I suppose I could seal it up in an envelope.
After completion, sign, remove tape from inside pages, fold closed and press to seal, and submit to your employer.
To comply you must seal the form.
Fold it and staple it--that's what we did here.
Staple or tape it, definitely.