Yay, Lilty relaxing. This is, like, a first ever, right?
Ironically, Beverly, I wasn't around to reply to this because I had to go to work. But it was a floorset day so I got to wear my new Napolean Dynamite t-shirt. So it wasn't all bad.
I just ate too much chicken. Blech.
Also, go vw!!
No one cares that the paper is done done done. I'm sad.
We care. We're just distracted....
Yay! on paper being doneĀ³.
whoo hooo! good on you -- that really means your incompletes are finished!
throws rasberry brownies stolen from Lee at VW
back and glad to be home. really glad.
Mom's doing ok, but she's still not ready to leave the hospital. They're hopefully going to send her home tomorrow. I'm going to call in the morning and check.
Here's a good question. What's worse than getting a really bad case of diarrhea HOURS from home and the comfort and security of your own bathroom? Answer: Nothing.
The boy has given me every illness and bug he's ever had.
I'm hopelessly behind so I skipped.
We are bored and going to Target. And maybe TJ's.
We are bored and going to Target
I'll be Em loves Target. It's so bright and shiny.
Target can be a scary place. I went there after I cut up my credit cards so I could buy an expandable folder to put loan and tax stuff it. There were lots of pretties, and I got shaky and had to leave.
ETA: Explandable isn't a word. But I think I like it so much I want to adopt it.
I'll be Em loves Target
Sooooo much. And know what's scary? She focuses on the TV. Good thing she starts school next week!!
Hi. I have to go work on a freelance thing I've been procrastinating about since, oh, Thursday. If I show up here again tonight, ask me if I'm done. If I say no, yell at me and make me leave.
A friend of mine sent me this:
News In Brief
BENTONVILLEāRetail Giant Changes Name
We are the Wal-Borg. Lower your standards and surrender your neighborhoods. We will add your money to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."