I remember getting rather giddy while in the Duomo in Florence, not so much in the cathedral proper, but while climbing up to the tippy-top, using the staircases that are hidden between the inner and outer domes.
Part of the feeling, I think, came from thinking about Brunelleschi, and how he studied ancient buildings to figure out how they were built. There was something of a "Hey, Ma! Watch
vibe to the whole place.
Does someone want to come clean my apartment for me? I'll make them raspberry brownies.
Wow Cindy, that would have gotten me upset too. I'm not sure how I would've reacted had it been me, but I can only imagine if I had a kid with me.
The guy was nowhere to be found when the cops showed up. There are a bunch of bars and clubs up the street, so he may have been wandering from one of those. Thing is, we have people stop by all the time- usually though, they'd say something before just walking in, at least knock or announce their presence. It was chaos for a second with the dog freaking and Mr. H freaking, and me wondering if I could use the throw pillows as weapons. I really think it wouldn't have been nearly as bad, but for Mr. H's reaction, which I think has to do with something going on at the bar.
Does someone want to come clean my apartment for me? I'll make them raspberry brownies.
I'm cleaning my apartment. What kind of brownies do I get for that?
DH and I picked up the house - and split a pumpkin muffin ( that was more like a cake). we also had no power for an hour. We went downtown and bugged the shop owners. and pretended to feel sorry for the LOTR views that had thier showing interrupted.
What kind of brownies do I get for that?
Brownie points. Which you can redeem for a No-Prize.
Where's my vw?
I’m sorry! I get so confused by the time difference. I went out with a friend.
Oh, Robin. ~ma to your whole family.
We found my friend J an apartment this afternoon. It’s a beautiful furnished place with lots of big windows and a big deck off the back. I think she’s really going to love it there.
Now, back to the paper...
Now you can walk all over Ayn Rand every morning.
Does someone want to come clean my apartment for me? I'll make them raspberry brownies.
I'd do it for the raspberry brownies. But then you'd have to clean my apartment, thus obviating the need for brownies to be exchanged, which would incline me to abandon the whole transaction.
What kind of brownies do I get for that?
Brownie points.
I was going to go for virtual ones. [link]