I had -- not a dizzy reaction -- but this weird fugue state in a museum in London, where there was a wall inside the museum that they had built around and included in the musuem's makeup that was one of the preChristian walls of Londinium.
The Museum of London! That's one of my favorite museums. There are parts of London that give you time whiplash. You're walking along the street and it's modern skyscraper, modern skyscraper, 12th century church, modern skyscraper, piece of the Londinium wall.
It didn't scare me, and it's not like I had any kinda of psychic thing going on -- it was just like my brain got way bigger and awe-filled and thrilled -- it was kinda of like that feeling of ALMOST understanding REALLY BIG ideas about life and the universe that you get during an acid trip, except it was just solemen yet wildly exciting at the same time.
Never really had that happen to me again on that level.
Ack. Just got off the phone with my mother. All signs point to the fact that my 17-year-old niece (the one I was worried about being depressed a while ago) is on drugs. She refused to get a blood test her doctor prescribed (she's also on ADs), weighs about 5 pounds, told her mom the $40 she was given to pay for the blood test "blew away," has almost quit going to school, and is spending a lot of time alone. Now, this being said, she is still getting straight As in AP classes and hasn't missed any work at her job. My mom is terribly worried, but the Niece is seeing a therapist, my Bro has spoken to the therapist about drugs, and I don't know what else anyone can do.
Yeah! that's the museum! I loved it. Was enthralled with it. I liked it even better than the British Museum which I also loved because it was more intimate and people oriented.
I don't really believe in spirits or ghosts either (though I don't deny the experiences or beliefs of anyone who does) but it's hard not to think of the people who must've been having the same kind of mundane thoughts and feelings when this artifact or whatever wasn't an artifact.
I thought about Harold and Kumar but it seems like the kind of movie that it's better to watched when you're actually stoned, you know? And I was in an action-movie mode last night.
Actually, I don't get stoned (I seem to have a psychological block against drugs, so if I'm supposed to just relax, I turn into OCD girl), and usually don't think stoner humor is anything but smirk worthy, but I laughed like a loon at K&H- particularly the
Marijuana Kills!!! Fake-PSA
The British Museum is amazing.
Ack, Robin. I don't know what to say besides I hope things turn out okay.
I laughed like a loon at K&H
At the
and the
and the
Maria Quesa Dilla
and the
Katie Holmes' boobs
The discussion here also reminds me of:
Lucy is jumping rope when Linus asks:
Do you ever pray?
That's kind of a personal question, isn't it? Are you trying to start an argument? I suppose you think you're somebody pretty smart, don't you? I suppose you think. . .
Linus with his blanket, talking to Charlie Brown.
You're right . . . religion is a very touchy subject."
Just reading Anne's painting posts makes me want to lie down.
I'm about ready to collapse. I think I'm going to run out and pick up the drywall patches, pick up something yummy for dinner, then come home and call it a day.
I hope your niece is okay, Robin. Not being able to do anything in situations like this is especially frustrating.