From Hec's link:
On one magic day boating here, I saw an estimated 20 blue whales, the largest air-breathing creature ever to inhabit the Earth.
Holy. Crap. No way! I get the chills just from the footage of the one on
Blue Planet.
I don't know that I could even conceive of seeing 20 at one place.
I like this. I disappear for ages, and when I come back people have links for me.
Jen doesn't need God because she's high on life!
Life? Life is freakin' cool. Nothing else comes close.
That's what Pete said on the phone, just a few minutes ago.
Jilli! I played D&D today, and went through the host's Magic deck, to see if any of Pete's cards were in there. (They weren't. He needs to get hisself better cards. He does, however, have a very cute and chatty two-year-old girl, who thought the behir miniature was a thing of beauty.)
Yeah. But so are we all, really.
t checks self for hissy fits
Huh. Well, there you go.
It sure does; I have a really hard time dealing with the death of a loved one because I believe they're completely gone.
Y'know, this is basically my belief, but so far I'm coping better with my mother's death than I ever thought I would. Part of it, I suspect, is that I just haven't been able to find the time to go through it all properly (I got about twenty seconds alone with my dad after the wake and before my older brother crashed the house gathering). But part of it too, I think, is that I went back to the hospital with D after everyone else went home. M was in such obvious anguish. This is what's really stuck with me. She told me, months ago, that she was ready, and was largely sticking around for the other people in her life. She held on until I came home. She made it to Christmas. In the hospital that night, I saw how much it cost her.
It's easy to say, I'd give anything for her to still be here. But it's not true. To want her here at the cost of her own suffering, that I couldn't live with. She would, though. She did. A couple of months before I came home, I saw something worse than my marriage ending. The night M died, I saw something worse than that too.
Of course, my computer just played Giles and Tara singing about wishing they could stay, and none of the above helped any. Ah well.
Another day of painting awaits. I'm glad I stopped when I did last night. I actually feel like I'm looking forward to getting this done. Plus, rescheduling the on-the-market date gives me another couple of days to work, which makes me feel so much less stressed.
All I have left to do is:
* Kitchen: Halfway done.
* Living Room/Dining Room (OTP!!!): Trim. It's all taped out, and the crown molding is done, so no more ladder work. Then I have to re-paint the bits that were drippy and had to be scraped and sanded.
* Bedroom: The whole thing. That's going to be the biggest project. I'm going to get it prepped today and maybe get the ceiling done.
* Upstairs: Some trim needs to be done, but most of it looks okay as-is.
* Stairwell: There's some wallpaper that needs to be removed and a small section that needs to be painted.
After that, there's a fair amount of cleanup, but that won't be so bad. Plus, I'll be alternating cleanup and painting.
Obviously, productivity~ma would be greatly appreciated.
It's morning here. I didn't sleep well, because I kept waking up wanting to perfect the paper. Jeez. Let me sleep! So, I finally got up about an hour ago to take a look at the comments my dad had sent me. I've revised the paper for a second time, and I think it is a lot stronger.
Morning, Anne! Sending you much productivity~ma!
Thanks! I've done a bit of prep work already, and right now, I'm taking a few minutes to select some work music for the morning.
There is leftover chinese food in the fridge for lunch. This makes me happy.
Also, vw, I'm so excited for you on all the progress you've made. Way to knock out those incompletes!
Sounds perfect, Anne (the music and the leftover Chinese food...I'm jealous).
And thank you. I'm really excited too. In some ways, I wish I didn't have to wait till Wednesday to get this paper turned in. I want these out of my hair.
In some ways, I wish I didn't have to wait till Wednesday to get this paper turned in. I want these out of my hair.
I know how that feels. Hope it all goes well.
I'll check back in here when the kitchen's done. I'll probably need a break by then.
Wanna know what's boring? Putting 50 surveys in alphabetical order on your "works cited" page.
The only letters not represented in the first letter of member names that completed my survey are: H, Q, R, U, W, X, Y, Z.
Kinda wierd to think about that.
I'm drinking much coffee and watching Newlyweds. Next the Ashlee Simpson show is on. I can't believe I'm enjoying myself right now. Somebody help me.