So I pulled out the story of the guy who fell off the cliff and died rather than accepting help from a helicopter. Guy dies and questions God and God's answer is "Who do you think sent the helicopter."
I think some people, like my coworker, get really caught up in this idea of God's helping being something "not of this world" that even a burning bush and a flashing sign "God's Help Here!" would be met with doubt.
In the FAC, they had a somewhat sensible attitude towards whether or not help/inspiration/etc. was from God -- they took the position that God is a practical Dude, and that as often as possible, He works through other people/modern medicine/etc.
Unfortunately, they *also* tended to take the position that just because you *thought* that assistance from other people was from God doesn't mean that it was. Which, okay, I can agree with. But my problem is that their criteria for whether or not assistance was from God just happened to be whether or not it fell into the category of what THEY believe is godly.
Which I think is a little unreliable.
Oh, jeez. I'm on page three of my 8-10 page paper, and I'm still on the first part (of three) of my first (of three) point. Eek.
Vw, wish we were on the same coast girlfriend, because I hate the Research...I'd love to pay you, give you topics and say "Knock yourself out!"
Love that helicopter joke, askye.
Oh, erika! You'd have more research than you'd know what to do with! I'm not sure that's actually a good idea...
How sad am I? I have plans tonight with people that I love, but I'm thinking about canceling them since I'm on a roll, getting so much done. I'm on page 5!!!!
Does it give you a feeling that nothing much matters, tommyrot (Gar, and anyone else who believes in this idea).
actually, I am with those that thinks it matters more. I really do examine most of my actions throught a lens of who/what /where are the effects and who/what it will effect.
I think about what I eat - vegan would be hard for me - there are days when I would be very hungry, because of the amount of carbohydrates my body can handle at one time - and by eating protiens, fat and fiber they help balance my body chemistry out. But, I am slowly changeing how we eat. I am looking fo ranimlas raised more organicly -( same with veggies and fruits, etc) . Partly because it is better for the animals and possibly more importantly , because it is better for the world as a whole. also - I don't think we pay enough for food. In the middle of a season for them - fruit , veggies etc, should be priced by bounty. If they have to be shipped a long way - or grown under special conditions , I should pay accorddingly.
I'm on page 5!!!!
Holy crap, vw, you rock! Go go go!
I know! I can't believe how easily it's coming. I need to add more scholarly sources in, but's just kind of writing itself (ok...not quite, but you know what I mean).