heatheny heathen with a side of heathen sauce
Heh. One of my British co-workers once described herself as a heathen to me, and it took me a beat before I remembered that most people use the word to mean "atheist/sinner" rather than "follower of any of a number of earth-based religions/paths, including but not limited to British Isles-related Reconstructionism."
Would the heathens/pagans/Others care to explicate their stances and/or spirituality?
::sitting quiety in the heathen corner::
I don't think it will ever be possible to prove or disprove the existence of God, so on an intellectual level I'm sorta agnostic - except that there being no God makes so much more sense to me than there being one, so I call myself atheist. There are many different reasons why atheism makes more sense to me, but I don't know if I have the time now to go into details.
it took me a beat before I remembered that most people use the word to mean "atheist/sinner" rather than "follower of any of a number of earth-based religions/paths, including but not limited to British Isles-related Reconstructionism."
Heh. Yeah, I tend to use the Church connotation of heathen - strange and Godless. There's an idea in my head of how this neatly illustrates the phenomenon of the conquerors writing the history, but I don't think I've had enough coffee yet.
Oh, JZ. I hope your friends are able to get through their ick.
Though now I perversely kinda want to see an LJ from you saying stuff like
OMGWTF JZ sez when JPII sez JUMP she sez SIR YES SIR HOW HIGH SIR POPE SIR? OMG can u beleve it???1?
Oh, and now? I totally want to write this and abandon the approximate 2500 words I've already put in the subject. Maybe I'll make that a cryptic footnote dedication to "The San Franciscan". It's an open entry, or will be, if I ever finish it. It's hard writing with children around. Every time Deena finishes any sort of assignment, I feel like I should build a shrine to her.
I'm curious, though - we spend a lot of time discussing Christianity and the particular brands practiced by the folks in this thread, with Judaism cropping up on occasion. Would the heathens/pagans/Others care to explicate their stances and/or spirituality? I merely ask because I am one of those people who never tires of the "How Do YOU Do It?" game, and I love hearing more about people.
juliana, I am glad you asked that. We do spend a lot of time on Christianity with a side of Judaism, I suppose because it is something we have in common, at least culturally speaking, if not spiritually speaking. But speaking only for myself (while imagining people like JZ, Maria, vw, Anne, and Susan probably feel the same) it is not a one-facet interest for me. I know for some people though, it is personal enough, they prefer not to, so I don't generally ask the "how do you do it questions" of particular people, but not because I don't want to know.
There are many different reasons why atheism makes more sense to me, but I don't know if I have the time now to go into details.
FWIW, I know I'm interested if/when you have the time at the same time you have the inclination, and not in a bring-him-back-to-the-fold way--just human interest.
I'm about 2/3 of the way done with the painting, and I keep finding drippy bits.
I always think I'm a terrible painter (and I hate painting with a fiery passion), but I've discovered in obsessive examination of paint jobs by professionals that they're just as drippy as mine are.
I've discovered in obsessive examination of paint jobs by professionals that they're just as drippy as mine are.
This is incredibly reassuring. Thank you.
ION, my taxes are filed. In 20 minutes I get to call the career counseling people in St. Louis. After floundering around for 8 months, I think I need professional help so I can figure out what I really want to do and how to get there. I don't want to blunder into another job again.
I merely ask because I am one of those people who never tires of the "How Do YOU Do It?" game, and I love hearing more about people.
Me too! Me too!
I slept in and now I feel lazy. Also, while I waited until I got paid to book my Chicago flight, the dirt cheap flight went away. They are still reasonable, but now I wish I'd gone and booked the sooper dooper cheap one. Has anyone flown Independance?
Hallo Bitches! I'm in a Barnes and Noble in South Carolina...the only flight got me here at about 10AM, but my meeting isn't until 1PM, so here I am, using wireless. Weeha!
here seems to be a good fit between Catholics and Jews
I've heard it described as "guilt calls to guilt". :)
In 20 minutes I get to call the career counseling people in St. Louis. After floundering around for 8 months, I think I need professional help so I can figure out what I really want to do and how to get there. I don't want to blunder into another job again.
This is very smart. More power to you, Anne.
I never tire of the "How do YOU do it?" game, whatever the subject. I don't even mind the repeating subjects because my memory isn't really that good.
I had to have a mental health day.
I need to take one of those soon.
I have lost 34 pounds since August.
How are you doing this?
This is my first Lent in ages where I haven't given up a single thing.
I was raised in a Baptist/Non-denominational home and we never gave anything up. The only thing we did was not eat red meat on Good Friday.
I just figured out why my mom didn't seem to understand how much work a Ph.D. entailed. She thought it was simply a matter of taking more classes. She didn't realize there were years of hardcore research involved, and it could take any number of years until you accumulated enough data to write a thesis.
Does she understand now or is she more supportive of your decision?