And she offered to have us out, so I need to email her back, because that would probably be great for us to go look at it.
I'm glad the e-mail made it. I had to check because my mom has many wonderful talents, but computers have never really been one of them. BTW, the house is definitely worht seeing. The guy who built it is more of an artist than a builder (or he's both, I guess) and he put tons of really special touches on the doors, counters, ceiling, etc.
Thanks everyone. Dcp, I'm going to try the wrist thingies. I appreciate the suggestion.
Off to crawl into bed.
Allows cats; 2 bedrooms; penisula area; up to $1700 I guess, but less is much better.
Last one, dark and gorgeous, and newly remodeled
Okay, that is gorgeous. I want a place like that.
You're welcome, Gus.
Night, Kristin!
That last one I found is perfect, isn't it, ita? Isn't it? Isn't it?
t /needs validation
It sounds fantastic, and it's really lovely from the photo. Yeah, those touches are part of the fun of building strawbale. I'm all excited, because I want to put in a little curved seating nook, which would be on the outside during the first phase, and in my library during the second. 'Cause I can! And built-ins for the headboard, bookshelves, breakfast nook, studio. Whoo!
The designing dream phase is the most fun, huh, before I start having to deal with realities like economics and physics.
eta: Hee, crosspost. Nonian's folks' place is beautiful. But so is the apartment linked! Though I am not ita, so my validation means nothing.
eta: Hee, crosspost. Nonian's folks' place is beautiful. But so is the apartment linked! Though I am not ita, so my validation means nothing.
Don't be so hard on yourself. I accept all validation.
That bugged me a bit, too, Aimee, but I was willing to let it go because they painted it pink.
(cross posted with LJ)
Okay, sure, I SHOULD be focusing on packing, and where I want to live, and how the hell I am going to get the cats up north, but instead, I'm not.
Before I head out of LA, I need to:
Go to Roscoe's
Go to the Hump
Go to the Getty
Go to Peterson's Car Musuem
Go to San Diego Wild Animal park
Go horseback riding in the Hollywood hills
Go to Vegas
Have another big dinner at Victorio's for everyone
Go to the Pasadena flea market
Go to the Tequila bar
Who wants to go where? What else do I need to do?
Christ, Ali, that last place is a bit out of the neighbourhood I was thinking of, and a bit expensive ... but DAMN. Beautiful. I may call them too.