I'm trying to talk the guy in the cube over to get a mini mac. They're so charming-looking, but I'd be better served by a laptop than a third desktop, inasmuch as it is one. Still, if you were buying me one, go ahead. I'll be all grateful and stuff.
Guy a couple cubes over is talking on the phone to his mother about his love life. He needs to not do that.
about the size of a deck of cads.
I know this is a typo, but, hee! This I'd like to see.
You could shuffle them, and pick a cad! Any cad...
I used to take the train to school everyday, and one time a friend of mine and I decided to walk the tracks home instead of getting on the train. Not the smartest thing I've ever done, but as long as you maintained awareness, not especially dangerous on the Erie Lackawanna in the sixties. OTOH, now I live right by Amtrak's Boston-NYC line (I used to be able to watch the trains go by from my kitchen), and I'm not at all tempted to see what my reaction time would be versus an Acela.
You could shuffle them, and pick a cad! Any cad...
Remember your cad, but don't show him to me. Now put the cad back in the deck....
I saw that too! Deck of cads, deck a cad!
Maybe Three's Company was supposed to be in Santa Monica?
Lay your cads face down on the table....
I only want an Aga if it lives in the winter kitchen, which is detached from the house.
You have a WINTER KITCHEN??!!!
Lay your cads face down on the table....
My favorite game? 52-Cad Pickup.