And, if I'm not mistaken, kat p. has an anniversary at about the same time as Kat, right?
Tom is correct (and has a freaky, scary memory). DH and I will be celebrating our third on the 23rd. Us doppelkats have to stick together.
No cat stacking here.
I missed the whole stacking cats thing. I feel so out of the loop. I'll just sit over here in the corner and drink coffee out of my pimp cup while I watch the panda cam (even though now the pandas are like 50).
Happy Anniversary, Kat & Lori!
Happy Anniversary, lori & Kat
Happy Birthday, Beverly
All the best, to all of you.
Happy birthday to Kat and Lori's wedding!
Happy anniversary of Beverly's birth!
Happy Anniversary, Kat & lori!
Happy Birthday, Beverly!
I'll just sit over here in the corner and drink coffee out of my pimp cup while I watch the panda cam
I have a lot to get done today. I am not all that hopeful about actually succeeding. Uh oh.
ita, you are weird. But I like it.
I have a lot to get done today.
Saturdays should be "lots to get done" free zones.
Make it so.
Saturdays should be "lots to get done" free zones.
Well, yeah. But my apartment is a mess, my parents are coming tomorrow, I have no clean socks, and two assignments due this week. And plans tonight.
And plans tonight.
Pot and sex, right.
Huh. I wonder where the word "sexpot" came from.
Well, yeah. But my apartment is a mess, my parents are coming tomorrow, I have no clean socks, and two assignments due this week. And plans tonight.
Pshaw. Parents don't count as guests. They totally get to see their kids' apartments in their natural state. No clean socks means it's time to buy new socks. I can't hand wave the assignments, but yay plans tonight! I love plans!