then immediately trades the coat for a short one as soon as he's out of the wind
Because the long one is his look cool in a breeze coat, but when it's not windy, the thing just gets in the way? Yeah, I don't know.
I want a long, leather, looks awesome in a breeze coat. Deep, deep, deep, chocolate brown, though. Black washes me right out, sadly.
ETA: I can't remember the last Michael Douglas movie I saw. I didn't see Wonder Boys. I'm thinking it could've been the corporate greed one.
It's a sartorial paradox.
I just wanted to see that phrase again.
And I like the following sentence from this article: Penguin Post
Each issue contains a whole rookery of penguinrific and penguincentric articles.
I love Romancing the Stone, Kathy!
Want to know what I just found out? Neil Armstrong is speaking at my graduation. How cool is that? I'm very excited. And it will be broadcast live on TV (who knows what channel though) and the internet. So I can invite you all to graduation. Isn't that just nifty?
Thanks, Jen! I think so, too. I want to tell my mom, but she's probably sleeping right now, and therefore wouldn't appreciate it. Same goes for my best friend. Why do people need to be on east coast time, when I'd like to talk to them on west coast time?
A store in Montreal. Into which I'll be afraid to go this year, just in case there's more love to be had.
Next time you go, you should buy one for me (I would pay you back), which would mean you could blame me for anything you buy.
Neil Armstrong for your commencement speaker is pretty darn cool. But Buzz Aldrin is still my favorite, just because he belted a flat-earther.
We are having a very cool thunder and lightening storm.
Alibelle and I are having a watch and post of it.
he belted a flat-earther.
I mean, Neil is still going to have my loyalty, since he's coming all this way and everything. But I have room in my heart for Buzz, too. I already think he has a super cool name, and is nifty. But yeah... what? Is a flat-earther someone who thinks the Earth is flat? And Buzz punched him?
The thunder shook my house! It tickled.
Shook looks funny. Past tense of shake? Why do I feel like I get dumber with every passing day?