I can't stand Tom Cruise, but I did like Collateral. I read an article a while back that said TC is only watchable when he forgets that he's Tom Cruise, and that he almost never does that. She cited Magnolia, which I haven't seen, so I can't say, but there were moments in Collateral in which I think he did.
OTOH, I hate Renee Zellweger with a fiery, unbreakable hate, and I just want to pick her up and slap her and scream "You aren't America's Sweetheart, you squinty-eyed annoyance!"
And then possibly break her scrawny Texas ass over my knee. Grrr.
She gives me HIVES.
The coat I need.
There's a reasonable facsimile here if you don't want to spend $500. [link]
Is it me, or is the mini-pigtail look just goofy on a guy?
Totally not just you. WTF?
So what's a ponytail that sticks straight up from the top of one's head called?
A top knot.
Hey, P-C, did you get those comic CDs I sent? They should arrived over a week ago, but I was just wondering.
Oh, I did! They came Monday, I think. Thanks! Haven't gotten a chance to read them yet, but mmm.
Heh. That's a week longer than they told me it would take, but glad they arrived.
OTOH, I hate Renee Zellweger with a fiery, unbreakable hate, and I just want to pick her up and slap her and scream "You aren't America's Sweetheart, you squinty-eyed annoyance!"
YES! And, that stoopid pout thing she does with her lips all the time. STOPITNOW!
That's a week longer than they told me it would take, but glad they arrived.
Oh, I think I meant last Monday. They came whenever they were supposed to. What day is it? Geez. Fucking thesis.
Why does Word suck so bad?
If a person had a long list of names in alphabetical order, and wanted those names to appear on one page, in two columns, why would Word insist on taking the selection of names from G - M and making that column two, so that column one is one long column that goes from A - Z, if A - Z does not include the letters that fall in the G - M section of the alphabet. Why doesn't it just cut off at P, or something, and just put the second half of the alphabet in column two? Why is it so weird?
Ouch. I've lost days, but not whole weeks. How much more work do you have left on it? (says the man whose never had to do one)
And now, perversely, I feel the need to stand up and defend Renee Zellweger. Visually that squint of hers always bugs me, and I couldn't abide her performance in that movie where she played Meryl Streep's overentitled, whiny daughter, but I have hugely enjoyed her performances in
The Whole Wide World, Nurse Betty, Bridget Jones' Diary
I got no quarrel with her at all, and at this point, despite the ongoing irritation of the squint, her track record for me is pretty damn good. One undelightful facial tic, one crappy performance, four seriously good (and very different) films I could happily watch over and over and over.
I sincerely hope that this doesn't make me dead to Erin and ChiKat, but I must confess it.
Also, Mel Gibson's politics and reactionary theology give me hives but it has to be noted, yet again, that he was fantabulous in
Chicken Run.
A top knot.
I don't think so. I believe a top knot is generally a bun or some sort of similar pinned hairstyle, with a ponytail coming off it. Not just a ponytail.