Ha! DH gave me an iPod for Christmas and now I am the worst offender on my neverending subway commute. I try to keep it below the levels of that kid on the bus in the Coca Cola commercial, but I have caught a couple of people staring at me only to realize that I'm doing a little too much channeling of Mary J. Blige.
And, I need to have this coat just because it is beautiful.
If there's a plush toy, then there damn well is life on Mars.
I hate all you people that make the noises. Stopitstopitstopit.
How do you feel about talkative PDAs/noisy alerts/other people's music?
Why is John Rhys Davies hateworthy?
However, I will agree that people who chew with their mouths open are very distrurbing and should be stopped.
You know what I hate? People who think the subway is a good place to decide on a cell phone ring.
HR just sent me a note informing me that I have a carryover balance of 0 vacation days from 2004-05, and that according to their records, I have already used 0 of them, and that if I don't use up the rest by the end of the month, they will expire. I feel so much more informed.
I'm upset. Apparently, I'm Meg Ryan. Where's my money?
I hate all you people that make the noises.
I used to have a coworker who would jingle the change in his pockets. He did it to such a degree that I wanted to pick him up by the ankles and shake the wee bastard until the mere sight of coin-operated vending machines gave him Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The coat I need.
How do you feel about talkative PDAs/noisy alerts/other people's music?
How talkative is talkative? I don't want to hear entire songs, but something a ring length doesn't bother me.
I read a JRD interview that was very "My old-white-man culture is under attack! Save me!" and it rubbed me the wrong way. His tone on the LotR commentaries also drives me nuts.
My officemate's computer & PDA routinely startle the living crap out of me. Admittedly, I'm jumpy. There is a reason I have the sound off on my computer.
I only threatened his stuff with a drowning when his meeting alert noise was this spooky sounding moo.