Okay, grump. You've moved on, fine. I've been catching up and now I'm posting this:
And my Gibson hatred has grown so strong I'm tempted to roll people outside the box office to prevent him from getting their money.
Hee. Me too. Glad I'm not the only one.
Oh, and I hate John Rhys Davies. Not enough to ruin LotR (that'd be a lot of hate, considering the love), but I don't think I'll watch him in anything for a long, long time.
Well, to be honest, in all the group shots it was Bret Beattie--JRD only did the facial reaction shots. And it saddens me, but I must agree with you. Sad, because in Shogun and RoS and even Raiders (but not the third Raiders), he was wonderful.
Val Kilmer might be in this category for me. Because when he's on - Real Genius, Tombstone, Top Secret - so fucking charismatic and funny and enjoyable. But he's got a really low batting average and seems to do a lot of highly indifferent work.
Oh my, yes. SO much promise, and all squandered. I can't figure it out.
I think Meg Ryan's trouble is she has the looks of the stereotypical USian girl next door: sunny, bright, cheerful, wide-eyed, blonde, blue-eyed, etc. And the much darker and more complicated soul of say, an Ava Gardner. She's tired of the predictable Sandra Dee roles, but when she manages to snag a darker role, she can't sell it. And it makes her cranky.
Thunderheart, on the other hand, was a travesty in filmmaking.
I loved Graham Greene in that. No matter the problems with the movie, or anybody else in it, I love it because it brought me Walter Crow Horse.
And all the vintage stuff is gorgeous--especially the b/w dress with the petal detail in the skirt.