Plei - I am with you on only likeing comedy Hanks. I find him charming in interviews, unless he goes super-sincere and then he bugs - comes off really smarmy.
I think you've hit the nail on the head as to what bugs me about him.
I do like his comedies, in which he had just enough sincerity to give things heart, and just enough snark and smarm to keep it real.
Have I found anyone who shares my acute dislike of Tom Hanks? Who speaks for me on post-comedy Hanks?
I'll join you in the Hanks-hater corner. All of his recent performances have been tooth-grindingly irritating for me.
I'm not crazy about post-comedy Hanks.
His turn in
though, was comedy GOLD.
It's almost like comedy!Hanks and post-comedy!Hanks are two different actors, like Hobbit!Dom and Lost!Dom.
I liked him back in the Bosom Buddies/Bachelor Party/Big days, but I've hated him in every screen appearance since Forrest Gump.
Maybe he should only work on projects that start with a B?
I'll go stand by myself in the liking Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, and Julia Roberts corner.
stands with DX
There. (I don't really have strong feelings for or against Meg Ryan, really. Haven't seen her in a whole lot.)
Wait, you think Travolta is smug onscreen, yet you like The ROCK? Now, I like both of them, but I think they have the same "check me out" vibe.
Oh, and I like Hanks. Don't like all his films, but he did a great job in
Catch Me if You Can,
I thought.
Wait, you think Travolta is smug onscreen, yet you like The ROCK? Now, I like both of them, but I think they have the same "check me out" vibe.
Maybe, but one of them is actually worth checking out, and the other one is smarmy.
The only actor I cannot stand is Annette Bening. I can't see her in a commercial or sound bite without muttering my Bening hatred. I don't know where it came from, but there it is.