You know what IS universally cute, no matter what one thinks of Bean, Cumming, etc.?
A baby girl sitting on her daddy's lap while he checks his email. Especially when the baby girl is laughing and making all kinds of sounds that sound like they
be English, but aren't quite.
Aw, cutie pie.
I forgot until I re-watched today a nugget for you Cumming haters: did you catch how he called himself "clever" for using the word enervated to mean excited?
Wait, what? If I wasn't already on board with Steph...
I forgot until I re-watched today a nugget for you Cumming haters: did you catch how he called himself "clever" for using the word enervated to mean excited?
He did? But...but...*slaps forehead*
Maybe he was being ironic.
No, he used the wrong word. I noticed.
But he was still cute. And he used the word "apocryphal" correctly - and with the most amazing roller coaster of Scottish inflections.
Cutest Buffy shoutout EVER on tonight's OC.
Rio, huh? really? must have missed it.
Remember the scene w/ Julie at Lindsey's house? OK now remember that Lindsey's house = Buffy's house? Now remember what Julie said when she left and what Lindsey said right after?
AH! The
garlic bit!
Okay. I see that. I was all distracted by Seth saying
"Closure is overrated....I want to be open in unrequited love."'
Distracted, because I used to often say
Closure is overrated
when I refused to talk to people I had broken up with.
I got totally distracted later when Zach said he was saving himself for marriage. Because literally RIGHT BEFORE the ep started I told Saget that was my theory.
Saget made me guess which card from a deck after that and I got one out of two right!