I think it's kind of odd that I generally go no more than three hours between breakfast and lunch, but then 6 or more between lunch and dinner.
I'm the other way around -- I almost always eat breakfast before I leave for work, so 8:30-ish, but I usually don't get around to having lunch until 2 or 3. (Of course, I also don't usually eat dinner before 9, so I guess they're all 6-hour gaps. Huh.)
I usually have a piece of cheese (2 cracker's worth,) around 10:30. And again at 11:30. And maybe at noon. Then I'm fine until 6ish, and that's dinner.
If it weren't for the fact that my metabolism was screwy before I got into this mode, I'd think that it was the reason my metabolism is screwy.
Right now I have to eat every two hours, but normally I have a pretty regular 5 hour gap that I can stretch a little if I have to. I can often substitute sleep for food in the evening.
I sometimes have an afternoon snack, but can easily not eat again for the rest of the day. I'm trying to force myself to always have "dinner" even if it's just cereal or a slice of cake.
INteresting. So if I'm a front-loading freak, at least I'm in good company.
(I know other people don't like these conversations like I do. I could literally play "how do you do it?" forever.)
Now I want guacamole. Thanks, Burrell.
I had guacomole today! On my Barcelona Dog from F&B.
Just out of curiosity - when do you eat the largest meal of the day (if there is one significantly larger than the others)?
I remember being told once that in the USA most people have the largest meal of the day in the evening, while we have it at lunch. The lunch thing is definitely correct, but I have no idea about the USA schedule (if there is any, of course, that is).
My mealtimes vary wildly with my work/rehearsal schedule, but it's not uncommon for my first meal of the day to be 2-3pm. I value sleep over breakfast (unless you count coffee).
I'm a grazer by nature, so I usually have two (small) breakfasts.
Evening, definitely. Then again, with my screwed-up schedule I find it very hard to fit lunch in, so when I do have it I don't really have the time or organization for it to be big.
Yeah, the typical US pattern is increasingly large meals through the day, so dinner is the biggest. I think I'm more even, but breakfast is usually the smallest.
On my Barcelona Dog from F&B.
Oh man. I wish I hadn't had dinner out last night. And I wish I didn't have leftovers that need eating in my fridge at home.